
relatable tweets

social anxiety, relatable memes, meme dump, relatable, work, dumb memes, friends, funny memes, relatable tweets, Memes, lol, socially awkward, funny

40 Uproarious Memes That Aim To Entertain

Funny meme overload
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30+ Unfiltered Tweets from Witty Wives That Spill Hubby Habits

30+ Unfiltered Tweets from Witty Wives That Spill Hubby Habits

We can all relate...
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spring jokes random memes relatable funny memes dank memes relatable tweets Memes lol twitter memes funny tweets funny - 19970565

A Sprinkling of Random Memes For Easy Entertainment

Damn, y'all. The birds are chirping! The sun is shining! Somehow, in the distance, we can hear a whisper of hope: A whisper of happiness to come. While Spring might have started springing , there's just one problem: It's still Monday, we're still stuck inside, and boy, do we hate our jobs. These metaphorical shackles do their best to keep us cooped up on beautiful days, destroy our morale, and, of course, make us cranky AF. But we gotta pay the bills, so we're clocked in and coffee'd up. To pro…
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memes, funny memes, internet, internet memes, social media, facebook, twitter, tumblr, funny, cats, relatable, relatable memes, relatable tweets

A Cache of Eye-Catching Memes

What makes a good meme? Does it have to be funny? Relatable? Visually striking? Maybe a combination of all the above? The remarkable thing about memes is that none of those qualifiers matter. Beauty is in the eye of the memeholder. What may be the least funny thing one person has ever seen could be the most downright hysterical piece of work the next person has seen. That's just how memes work. There's something out there for everyone. While we strive to provide you all with what we find to be…
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Memes, funny memes, Cats, relatable, relatable memes, relatable tweets, social media, school, High school, work, youtube, Spongebob squarepants, spongebob memes, Childhood, Nostalgia

A Cavalcade of Funny Memes Designed to Fit Your Many Needs

What better way to celebrate the weekend than looking at a random assortment of funny memes? Had a hard week? Check out some memes. Feeling down in the dumps? Check out some memes. Have a ton of work to catch up on that you've been putting off? Maybe get a little bit of it done and then reward yourself with some memes throughout. I'm not going to lie and say memes will drastically improve your day, but hey? Everyone could use a bit of a pick-me-up. So with that, we've collected another few doze…
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work, success, hustle culture, funny tweets, relatable tweets, twitter thread, nepotism, millionaire, rich people, roast, business, money

People Roast 'Self-Made' Millionaires Who Definitely Got Their Success Through Nepotism

All you need is ambition, work ethic...and rich parents
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humor twitter jokes relatable funny memes relatable tweets lol funny tweets random tweets - 19542277

Short & Sweet Tweets For Easy Entertainment

It recently came to my attention that if I was left to my own devices, I might end up rotting in my bedroom and never leaving my apartment. That's because it's so easy to waste my own time scrolling through Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. I t's not the most healthy situation. See, I end up putting off important things like laundry or showering, all because I get sucked into the social media hole. I end up cobbling together terrible outfits from whatever is clean, and having to take a little “…
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Funny random twitter gems and tweets

Random Tweets For Quick and Easy Entertainment

Having a little bit of fun or wasting our time on the internet might seem like a simple feat for most internet enthusiasts, but it is actually a lot more complicated than one might believe. Boredom has a way of eroding our abilities to pursue intelligent activities, pastimes, and/or hobbies. It doesn't help that our attention spans have all but been reduced to nada. It is actually quite depressing - it's impossible for me to make it through a forty-minute television episode without feeling ants…
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Funny memes about having ADHD

Memes and Tweets For Anyone Living With ADHD

It seems as though an increasing number of adults in the United States are recognizing that their struggles with focus, task completion, and interpersonal interactions may have been caused by ADHD . Everyone gets sidetracked occasionally, especially when the internet relentlessly attacks your attention span, but attention deficit and hyperactivity can be totally crippling on a completely different level. It's definitely made me feel like a worse conversationalist and a less productive human. An…
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20 Best Oldest Child Tweets for the Siblings Who Grew Up As Commander in Chief at Home

20 Oldest Child Tweets for the Siblings Who Grew Up As Commander in Chief at Home

Sorry not sorry, still love you thooooo
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stupid memes, relatable memes, random memes, relatable, funny memes, funny tumblr posts, dank memes, relatable tweets, Memes, twitter memes, meme, funny meme, funny tumblr

Memes With Strong IPs

Peep, Barbie, Kirby, you name it!
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millennials, millennial memes, funny memes, relatable memes, relatable memes, adulting, memes, funny, lol

Relatable Memes and Millennial Things for Tired Thirty-Somethings

Millennials . When we're not busy ruining the economy with our decadent avocado toast and otherwise utilitarian consumer behavior, we're tending to our 5k-follower shitpost accounts, wondering where we went wrong in life. Is this really all there is? The millennial thinks to herself as she stands in line at the local overpriced café. She consults her bank app as if it were a crystal ball, providing guidance on whether or not to go for that extra pastry. Then she goes off to her second freelance…
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relatable memes, random, random memes, relatable, funny memes, dank memes, relatable tweets, Memes, meme, tweets, funny tweets, tweet, random tweets, funny meme, funny

Memes To Scream And Shout About

Let it all out
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twitter, thread, Twitter Thread, women tweets, relatable tweets, twitter memes, tweets, funny tweets, tweet, funny twitter, black twitter, random tweets, funny, twitter discourse

People Discuss Iconic Tweets That Define Twitter

Twitter is a place where online culture is created. That can be said of any number of social media sites, but Twitter is one that transcends the website and enters popular culture. Have you ever watched a movie and thought, “This sounds like it was written by a robot whose only exposure to humans is through Twitter discourse.” I had that exact thought while watching the 2022 movie Bodies, Bodies, Bodies , and I'm not the only one. Occasionally, tweets become so iconic that nobody ever forgets w…
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humor jokes relatable memes random memes funny memes relatable tweets funny tweets nerdy memes - 19266309

A Spontaneous Splish-Splash of Memes With Varied Themes

I'm not feeling so hot. It's hard to pinpoint one reason for this ennui. But a quote from a wise hobbit man comes to mind when I think about my current state: "I’m old, Gandalf. I know I don’t look it but I’m beginning to feel it in my heart. I feel thin… sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread. I need a holiday. A very long holiday. And I don’t expect I shall return. In fact I mean not to." Yeah, it's a sad day when I'm quoting the fictional character Bilbo Baggins in relati…
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twitter, relatable memes, random, random memes, relatable, funny memes, dank memes, relatable tweets, Memes, meme, tweets, funny tweets, funny twitter, funny meme

Memes For Scrolling On Summer Nights

Summer days drifting away...
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