
relatable tweets

Cats humor jokes Memes relatable dank memes funny memes relatable memes relatable tweets - 19229445

A Bunch of Funny Bits We Gathered From the Internet

Congratulations Internet users and abusers. You've made it through the weekend and are enjoying a Monday. While the best servers and bartenders have today off, us desk jockeys are left to gather up our last shreds of dignity and march our way into work, whether physically or mentally ( people who work from home ). To lessen my weekly pain, I, personally start Monday's work on Sunday. It's like microdosing misery, the kind of misery that leads to your own burnout and your boss' benefit. Easing m…
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jokes relatable memes random memes funny memes relatable tweets Memes twitter memes - 19217157

A Grouping of Memes Both Young and Old

It's long been said that variety is the spice of life. If the sentiment is to believed, then the things we call memes are a spice level 5, like they refuse to serve me at the Thai restaurant. You see, if it exists, there are memes about it. We've covered everything from knitting memes to forklift operator memes , and those two incredibly specific subjects are teeny drops in a Texas-sized, meme-filled bucket. The memes we love are as varied as the people who make them, and if we start thinking a…
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humor twitter relatable fresh tweets relatable tweets lol twitter memes tweets funny - 20395269

Fresh Tweets We Plucked From the Depths of Twitter (May 3, 2023)

Like it or not, social media addiction is a 100% real affliction. And boy, are we afflicted. At the start of each day, I have dreams. Goals. Hopes. Wants. For example, I've been staring at Fernando Pessoa's The Book of Disquiet for months now. It's collecting dust on my bedside table, and yesterday I promised myself I would read at least a few of the poems. By the time I finished my work for the day, I was too brain-dead to even turn a page. That's where social media came in. Instead of reading…
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funny random memes, twitter, relatable memes, random, random memes, funny memes, dank memes, relatable tweets, Memes, twitter memes, meme, tweets, funny tweets, random tweets

Funny Memes For Funny Friends

Send it to that special someone
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humor twitter-blue twitter jokes relatable memes relatable fresh tweets relatable tweets elon musk lol funny tweets - 20315141

Quick Quips From the Mad Minds of Twitter (April 28, 2023

There's no way around it: Twitter's been a bit of a mess lately. Just last week they removed blue checks from anyone who isn't paying for Twitter Blue. Y'know, besides the likes of LeBron James , Dril, and Stephen King. It's a funny grift, and there were plenty of accounts having a field day with their new place as “normal” Twitter users. While we were kind of terrified about what our feed would look like after the axe fell ( Elon Musk said our For You pages would be all verified), we've still…
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twitter, relatable memes, random memes, funny memes, dank memes, relatable tweets, Memes, twitter memes, tweets, funny tweets, tweet, funny twitter, random tweets, funny meme

Bemusing Memes That Might Amuse

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20 tweets about online dating and situationships | Thumbnail includes a picture of Carrie and Big 'Mbali Mashinini @mbalis_bakery I will never ever understand why toxic relationships last longer! Why? Why are you still together? 10 year situationship starting at 33 is terrifying hann... @dumbandf.... Apr 21 something that makes me very hopeful is that Carrie didn't meet Big until she was 33!! there's still plenty of time!!! FRAGILE'

'The dating pool is heavily polluted' : Top 20 Tweets About Online Dating & Toxic Situationships (April 26, 2023)

The world of dating is brutal
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A compilation of funny and random memes

40+ Memes For Pretty Bored People

Are you guys bored? I'm not bored! As a gross and hot David Thewlis once said in the Mike Leigh movie Naked : "Was I bored? No, I wasn't f*ckin' bored. I'm never bored. That's the trouble with everybody - you're all so bored. You've had nature explained to you and you're bored with it, you've had the living body explained to you and you're bored with it, you've had the universe explained to you and you're bored with it." As angsty and Gen X as that statement is, I can't help but agree with it.…
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A compilation of funny and random memes

Memes To Scroll Through While Hiding From Your Bosses in the Bathroom

Use your five minutes wisely!
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Witty and Wildest Women's Tweets of the Week (April 21, 2023)

Witty and Wildest Women's Tweets of the Week (April 21, 2023)

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Funny random tweets

Funny One-Liners and Random Thoughts From the Oversharers of Twitter

There's no way around it: Twitter has a tendency to feel like a Speaker's Corner on meth or maybe Adderall or Vyvanse. There are just so many inane thoughts being boldly flung into the Twitterverse at any given moment. The political rants, the TMI moments from oversharing individuals, the banal stories from bad or annoying mothers. That said, the app can actually be delightful when you manage to block out the Twitter slush and enjoy the rare comedic gems. It's taken us many years to block the a…
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humor twitter relatable-jokes jokes relatable relatable tweets lol tweets funny tweets - 20155397

Fresh Tweets We Pilfered From the Bird App (April 17, 2023)

Happy Monday, internet users and abusers. Twitter has always been a bit of a sh*tshow, to say the least, but since Elon Musk has gotten his corny mitts on the app, things only seem to be getting worse. Instead of seeing delightfully funny tidbits from Internet strangers, we're seeing a whole lot of garbage on our “For You” feeds. But has that dissuaded us from patching together a fabulous quilt of fresh and stupidly funny tweets for your scrolling pleasure? Hell no.
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A compilation of funny and random memes

Middling Memes That Are Mildly Funny

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funny tweets, twitter memes, twitter, memes, funny, relatable tweets, cruella memes, trending tweets, inclusive language memes, twitter dump, friends memes

A Ginormous Collection of Witty Tweets From the Funny Side of Twitter

The best recent Tweets from the bird app
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A compilation of memes about theatre, theatre kids, and acting

Theatre Kid Memes For Attention-Seeking Musical Lovers

Five Six Seven Eight!
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Top 20 Wild, Witty and Wacky Tweets By Women (April 14, 2023)

Top 20 Wild, Witty and Wacky Tweets By Women (April 14, 2023)

Best of the week!
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