

Babbyyyy, I can give you a kiss from Seal if you have enough money ;).  Or was it a seal? Whether you're looking for the international superstar crooner or the adorable aquatic acrobat, you'll find all that and more to get your fill of puns humor and memes all about Seal...s.

story about a seal that was rescued 4 times in 3 different countries thumbnail includes two pictures including a seal coming out of a carrier and a seal near the ocean

Adventurous Seal Rescued 4 Times In 3 Different Countries

Oh Freddie... when will you learn?
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video of baby harp seal crying out for mom and mom comes - thumbnail of adorable baby harp seal

Harp Seal Adorably Calls Out For Mom (Short Video)

Oh lawd, she comin'!
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sleepy seal get woken up - thumbnail of hand about to touch seal belly

Short Video Of What It Is Like To Wake Up A Seal

Hint: it's heckin' cute
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pictures of baby harp seals in snow thumbnail includes two pictures including a picture of a baby harp seal smiling at the camera and another of a tiny pleading harp seal

White Baby Harp Seals Are Chonky Balls Of Fluff

chonky round fluffy babies
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funny seal sounds like human tom hanks

Seal Screaming Like Tom Hanks

Right out of a fairytale.
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video of a jiggly seal being all jiggly - thumbnail of jiggly seal

Awwdorable Seal Jiggle Proves Seals Are Made Of Jell-O (Video)

That's definitely Jell-O
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pictures of animals hiding behind things and still being visible animals suck at hiding playing hide and seek thumbnail includes two pictures including a giraffe hiding behind a tree while half of it is visible and a dog hiding behind a curtain that is draped over it and is almost completely visible

Silly But Adorable Animals Who Suck At Hide And Seek

Can you find them in the pics? We definitely can't. Nope. Not at all.
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farting seal video

Seal Cuts One While Looking Directly At Camera

It sounds improperly sealed.
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images worth 1000 words beautiful photography amazing animals hugging tiger yawn bird turtle fox dolphin dance butterfly frog otter bat seal wow stunning wholesome

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words

20 incredible pictures that cannot be captured in few words
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squishy seal adorable video aww round cute cuteness animals seals sea youtube video

Adorable Squishy Seal Is So Squishy (Video)

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A Group Of Volunteers Saves a Tiny Seal Who Was Stuck In Rocks For Hours | cute baby seal covered in a colorful blanket

A Group Of Volunteers Saves a Tiny Seal Who Was Stuck In Rocks For Hours

Saving a stuck seal
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Seal pup gets The Photoshop Treatment | a seal sitting in a corner of a room on its backside | chonky cat lounging against the sidewalk with a paw across it resembling a human

Seal Pup Who Tried To Escape The Rescue Center Gets The Photoshop Treatment

Seal pup becomes a meme
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The song "Kiss from a Rose" by Seal but sung by actual Seals.

"Kiss from a Rose" Sung by actual Seals

It's hard to tell which is the original.
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Wasn't Clear Before

Funny tweet that reads, "Thanks for the clarification, Dad" above a photo of a girl next to a sea lion, where her dad says happy birthday and points out which one is her
Via DaShanghaiKid

99% Blorp

most marine mammals are very flexible because they are made of 99% blorp pic of a cute baby seal turning its head upside down
Via MrCheezypoofs

Making himself at home

snapchat seal cute funny home - 9344136448
Via Memefulthinking69