

surgery, hospital, health, doctor, nurse, patient, funny, tiktok, thread, anesthetic

People Share the Funniest Things Said by Patients and Doctors During Anesthesia

A confusing time
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Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about an injured cat getting rescued from a cave | thumbnail includes two pictures of the cat looking much better

Cat Rescue Community Comes Together To Save Life Of Severely Injured Feline Found Trapped In Cave

An injured cat went into a shoreline cave to die. Fortunately, cat rescue volunteers found him before it was too late.
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Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about a rescued kitten receiving life-saving surgery | thumbnail includes two pictures of the orange tabby kitten recused and post-surgery

Rescued Kitten Found In Box Undergoes Major Surgery To Correct Birth Defect And Expand Her Chest

Can found in box with serious birth defect rescued and has chest plate surgically installed to help her heart and lungs grow.
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story about a kitten with a crab eye getting surgery and doing better | thumbnail includes two pictures including someone holding a half-blind kitten with only one eye in their hand and another of a kitten with a crab eye

Tiny Kitten With A Crab Eye Goes Through Surgery And Becomes The Most Majestic One-Eyed Pirate Cat

She is so, so strong.
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A Youtube video about a cat named Sebastian who used his wrist as a paw and underwent physical therapy to fix it | Thumbnail includes a picture of a grey kitten stepping on its wrist instead of paw and a picture of the same grey cat wearing a red life vest and swimming in a pool

Kitten Who Used His Wrist As A Paw Goes Through Physical Therapy And Comes Out More Fierce Than Ever (Video)

Transformation of a lifetime
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hospital, health insurance, surgery, malicious compliance, health, india, reddit

Medical Insurance Insists on Direct Billing for Dude's Surgery, Gets Hit With More Expensive Bill

Their choice!
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work, illness, job, vacation, coworkers, manager, surgery, job, dystopia, twitter thread

Company Causes Outcry Asking Employees To Donate PTO For Sick Co-Worker

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Immature Guy Cannot Stop Referring To His Sister-In-Law's Breast Reduction As A 'Tragedy'| thumbnail text - Posted by u/whatsaidtohim 19 hours ago AITA for being too mean on my brother after his comment about my wife's body when he's going through a hard divorce? Not the A-hole

Immature Guy Cannot Stop Referring To His Sister-In-Law's Breast Reduction As A 'Tragedy'

It's time to grow up
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husband makes wife choose his surgery over best friend's wedding and receives backlash | thumbnail text - Posted by u/username46799 7 days ago 7 O 3 6 3 16 AITA For making my wife choose between me and her best friend? Not the A-hole I M36 am preparing for my upcoming surgery at the end of may. I have respiratory condition that I have been suffering from and my wife has been very supportive and accomedating of all my needs. She has endured so much byall my needs. She has endured so much by shoul

Man Makes Wife Chose His Surgery Over Her Best Friend's Wedding, Receives Backlash

'In sickness and in health...'
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ICanHasCheezburger original story about a rescued goat getting brain surgery | thumbnail includes two pictures of a goat no a surgery table

Wild Goat Braves Life-Saving Brain Surgery Only To Come Back Stronger

Thank you to the wonderful people involved in the rescue!
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video of a goose watching and waiting for her mate to get out of surgery | thumbnail includes a picture of a goose being given air and another goose watching through the door

Concerned Goose Waits For Her Injured Mate To Get Out Of Surgery (Video)

They mate for life <3
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viral imgur thread about a cat who was abused by its previous owner getting adopted and going through surgery successfully thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat with a cast and another of a cat with a cast being hugged '"We weren't sure if his leg was too damaged to repair since the band had been on there for weeks. But his surgery went really well! The surgeon was able to repair his severed Achilles tendon, remove the dead tissue, and piece his leg back together." - thecomfycat'

Abused Cat Gets Adopted And Has Successful Surgery To Fix Broken Leg (Viral Thread)

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Funny things people said under anesthesia | neeeeerrrrrddddd 6.9k points 7 hours ago most memorable funny one guy who sat bolt upright, mime rolling cigarette and tuck behind his ear "saving ron asked he doing. Anaesthesia can be wild trip kids will always scream they wake up

Things People Said Under Anesthesia

Oh, yes, totally sir.
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funny things people said waking up from anesthesia | iletthe12dogsout 6.5k points 10 hours ago 2 3 got my wisdom teeth out nurse trying wake up and said okay s time open eyes. Can open eyes said Say pleee-eease She said please very nicely, and opened my mouth as wide as could

Wild Things People Said While Waking from Anesthesia

They got loopy.
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Girl complains about her looks so her boyfriend suggests makeup or surgery | AITA suggesting my girlfriend she start wearing makeup again? Asshole My (24M) girlfriend "Maya 26F) is most beautiful woman on Earth, literally perfect top bottom. She drafted by really big modeling agency LA while were college met) and she made an unbelievable amount money, enough pay off all her student loans and buy us house also have 1yo son.

Girlfriend Complains About Looks, Man Suggests Surgery

Could've handled that better, bud.
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stories from surgeons about that "oh shit" moments | seeing_red415 14.4k points 4 days ago doing corneal transplant had oh shit" moment. During surgery cut off patient's own cornea and replace with new donor cornea. During moment host cornea off but before could get new one on, there's literally nothing on front eye except tear film and aqueous humor. Anyway patient takes moment start vomiting reason tell everyone skip food and drink is so they don't aspirate case they throw up. This patient lie

Surgeons Reveal Their "Oh Sh*t" Moments

The stuff of nightmares
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