

'You must be kidding!': Boss Emails Entire Company Employee’s Salary Details, Including Expected ‘Raise’

'You must be kidding!': Boss Emails Entire Company Employee’s Salary Details, Including Expected ‘Raise’

For reasons that are still unknown, salary has proven to be one of the most private and sensitive bits of information in the business world for years, if not decades. What would you do, then, if your pay increase was unintentionally disclosed to the entire company? Would you be happy to brag about your raise, or would you attempt to keep it to yourself given how hard you worked to get here? The story below is an account of a frustrated employee. When the original poster (OP) first started worki…
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27 pictures of animals causing trouble | Thumbnail includes one picture of a dog eating money and one picture of a horse

A Hilarious Helping Of 27 Animals Magnificently Making Mischief

That's a very expensive chew toy
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25 pictures of dogs and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Dog - ROC', 'Font - he broke my leg helping me down the stairs', and 'Brown - WHILE WAITING FOR MOM TO FINISH HER SHOWER, ONE OF US PEED ON HER TOWEL Lesme'

25 Sweet-As-Pie Pooches Hilariously Humiliated For Being A Disobedient Doggo

As Michael Jackson once said, "I'm bad, I'm bad, I'm really really bad"
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24 pictures of birds | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Gas - :56 16' and 'Bird - 2005'

Bad Bird Club: 24 Awful Avians That Ruined The Day With Their Mischievous Mayhem

They're here to eat bird seed and cause chaos, and they're all out of bird seed
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'You can imagine how shocked I was': Bumbling buyer accidentally purchases 55 cows

'You can imagine how shocked I was': Bumbling buyer accidentally purchases 55 cows

Whatever you've managed to buy accidentally with your credit card, it's not worse than this guy's accidental purchase . Many people who accidentally buy stuff with a credit card are kids. Sometimes they accidentally buy thousands of dollars worth of in-game currency for video games, leaving their parents on the hook for a massive bill. However, for this soon-to-be cowboy or cowgirl, that's pennies compared to their purchase, and there's no one else to take the blame. They've been steered into d…
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therapist humor whoops FAIL jokes therapy unfortunate funny funny fail tiktok - 19755269

Therapist Roasted Over Woefully Unfortunate TikTok Username

Everyone makes mistakes. But some mistakes are funnier than others. In a recent TikTok, Chicago therapist Zach Leeze r shared a video addressing his, um, poor choice of a username . That username? It's “@zachtherapist.” It could be read as Zach Therapist. Or it could be read as something a little more damning. If the dilemma seems familiar, that's probably because a similar fiasco occurred on Arrested Development , when Tobias Funke decided to use the ill-advise portmanteau of “analrapist” to d…
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man accidentally robs his neighbor due to a food delivery order fail

'Food delivery gone wrong:' Confusion with food order accidentally turns man into a thief

In New York City, when you order food, you get the call, text, or door buzz that says your delivery guy is there. Then you just go down, take the bag, say thanks, and walk away. No other exchange is needed or wanted—it's NYC, they don't have time to say hello and comment on the weather. So when this New Yorker got the message saying his food delivery guy was at the door, he went down and did just that—grabbed his food from the guy, said thanks, and left. Turns out, however, he was very much not…
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Cabinet installers' viral screw-up demonstrates the extreme power of MRI magnets in the worst way

Cabinet installers' viral screw-up demonstrates the extreme power of MRI magnets in the worst way

One guy's massive MRI goof is a window into curiosity and science. This video, shared by ericmartinmoney, is truly enlightening. It answers an age-old question, which surely terrifies all of us when we go in to get an MRI. The technician will ask if you're wearing anything metal, because the MRI is literally a giant magnet . You then take off your earrings or belt, and take a peaceful rest inside the machine as it makes noises at concert volume. But you never actually get to find out how powerf…
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Funny stories about parents eating edibles

Trippy Twitter Tale Inspires Thread of Times Parents Ate Edibles

We've all seen those memes about the moment the edible hits and you're blasting off to outer space. But what if you took the edible without actually knowing it would have psychoactive, trip-inducing properties? As marijuana and even shrooms become legal in some places around the country, these substances are being packed into some tantalizing and sometimes confusing formats. Putting magic mushrooms into a chocolate bar may be a way to ingest them pleasantly, but as is the case with weed gummies…
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Doctor Informs Woman She Has Been Sending Loads Of Photos Of Her Private Parts To The Wrong Email Address

Doctor Informs Woman She Has Been Sending Photos Of Her Privates To The Wrong Email Address

A tiny misunderstanding
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Cringey story about a tattoo designer who got called out for stealing designs off of Google

Tattoo Artist Gets Exposed For Blatantly Stealing Designs From Google

When you get caught in a glaringly obvious web of lies , the best policy is generally to just own up to it. Nobody's falling for your BS anyway so it's probably best to not make yourself look even more stupid. This "tattoo artist" blatantly stole a bunch of their designs from other artists off of Google and then continued to play dumb after being called out . And the worst part? The copied art is definitely not as good as the original!
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Amazon Delivery Mix-Up Turns Into World's Most Awkward Situation

Amazon Delivery Mix-Up Turns Into An Extremely Awkward Situation

Sometimes the Amazon delivery people screw up, and that's okay - they're human after all and life goes on. And if you're a decent person, you'll handle the situation with grace. That means not turning into a Karen on a phone call with someone in India, and not knocking on every one of your neighbors doors convinced that they stole it. While they can undoubtedly be a pain in the a$$, sometimes these screw-ups lend themselves to, shall we say, less-savory happenstances? Like that time my downstai…
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People Reveal Why Women Live Longer Than Men| Thumbnail text - LittleWhiteGirl · 7h We were having such an excellent time, then we accidentally rolled off the bed and I fractured my foot. We were coworkers and nobody at work knew about us, so I limped around work for a couple weeks as we both tried not to laugh.

Women Reveal Their Funniest Hookup Moments They Will Never Forget

It's too funny not to laugh at
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disproportionate amount of hate things received

People And Things That Got A Disproportionate Amount Of Hate

Retrospect is an interesting thing.
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times people realized something was illegal

Times People Had "Wait, That Was Illegal" Moments

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The Funniest 'Sorry I Didn't message you back' Tweets For The Lazy Texters Out There| thumbnail text - Dana Donnelly O @danadonly · Feb 20 sorry i didn't text you back i spent all day worrying that you were mad at me for not texting you back •.. 5 27 210 2.3K

The Funniest 'Sorry I Didn't Message You Back' Tweets For The Lazy Texters Out There

Oops, my bad
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