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By beckysdad on Jan 4, 2013 at 6:41 AM

Oh no...that's so sad about your friend. It is amazing how there are friends that we don't see often and yet when we do we pick up right where we left off. I don't think I've ever heard an Oregon game described as a snoozer. I think you brought that to the game. I'm kinda surprised I didn't nap out after being on the trails yesterday. I stayed awake right up until bedtime(no naps at all) but then I slept straight through until 5:45 this morning. My thighs know they got a workout yesterday but other than that I feel great. Creek crossing was indeed tricky. I was able to use my tri-pod as a hiking stick to help steady myself. My biggest concern was a rock rolling. They often look solid but their perch is precarious when subjected to a human. I was able to poke and nudge each of them with my tripod before I stepped on them and that helped. It worked out fine but doing that and especially doing that alone was not too bright. Are you going to be back at debris clearing today or did you get enough of that done yesterday to leave the balance to the pros?

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By kittymac on Jan 4, 2013 at 6:32 AM

LOVE you're yawn lol so well done and mega sweet!!!

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By kittymac on Jan 4, 2013 at 6:22 AM

He he yup she must be a pretty special girl to teach the cow to do that sweet! The polar bear sure't gonna give up without a fight man that must have been a LONG 40 minutes! Yah thanks so much for the congrats paws that was a nice friedegg day surprise!

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By kittymac on Jan 4, 2013 at 5:34 AM

40 mins to poop yerself..

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By kittymac on Jan 4, 2013 at 5:22 AM

Mooove ober horse!!..

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By beckysdad on Jan 3, 2013 at 8:14 PM

I'm glad you enjoyed the pics. They'd actually pulled up one of the little wood bridges at the lower end of the waterfall loop. I crossed anyway as the path on that side hugged the stream. It probably wasn't the most intelligent thing to do but I got away with it. When I got to the top of the loop I saw a sign on the bridge up there saying that people could use that trail (the one I'd come up) but would need to return all the way to the top to cross again. It makes me wonder how I'd handle it in the future. The other side of the loop is a fire road and much easier to traverse while the trail that hugs the creek has some difficult footing at times and is not a nice steady grade. Part of me thinks it would be easier to walk up the fire road and return downhill on the creek trail. However, the way I did it today worked pretty well too. While it's tougher to ascend that way, I was stopping frequently to take photos which allowed me to rest and catch my breath. Then once I'd gotten to the top and had taken all the pictures I wanted, I was able to descend on the steady grade and good footing of the fire road. I'm still not sure how I'd handle it next time. That had to feel good to get so much of the debris cut up and hauled out to the curb. It had to feel even better to stop cutting stuff up and hauling it to the curb. Did you nap out this evening or have you stayed with the game? I'm surprised that the defenses have done as well as they have tonight. I was expecting a 56-49 final score. Oregon sure is explosive.

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By buyerbware on Jan 3, 2013 at 7:05 PM

It's especially good for younger cats, who are not quite as accustomed to being handled by strangers. Here are German jello shots!

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By kittymac on Jan 3, 2013 at 4:10 PM

You're on! Ebil grin!!

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By kittymac on Jan 3, 2013 at 4:04 PM

Thanks Paws! For some reason that trolly one reminds me off the song 'Streets of London' dad used to play that on the guitar used to be able to too but that was a LONG time ago!

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By kittymac on Jan 3, 2013 at 4:02 PM

Poor paws it hurts when ma nature hammers you're garden know what you mean unless un off course its those bloody trees on the hill PML! Hope yur not too sore in the morning will be willing those camilla plants on too!

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By kittymac on Jan 3, 2013 at 3:55 PM

Thanks for the favin buddy! X

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By kittymac on Jan 3, 2013 at 3:35 PM

Geez sounds like a really busy old day paws time for a nice hot bubble bath later for dem muscles! Glad you got so much done it nags at you hopefully the tree hire peeps won't be too expensive !

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By beckysdad on Jan 3, 2013 at 2:11 PM

It's a very worthy follow up to the Belgariad. I hadn't thought about just putting some aluminum foil under them but that's a good idea. That would be preferable to the stink of it hitting the bottom of the oven. It looks great again since I cleaned it...that ceiling cat for self cleaning ovens. I have to thank ceiling cat for something else, too. I hit the trails this morning for that photo session. I'm glad I didn't bring Becky with me. She would have driven me crazy and I did some creek hopping that I have no idea how I would have made it with Becky in tow. I was only gone for a total of three hours and got some good shots. I got a decent workout too. It wasn't very far but it was steeper than I've gotten used to...sad really. Five years ago I would have laughed at that trail. Today it was a good workout. I posted LOLs with half a dozen pics I took today. It's just easier for people to check out the photos that way. How did your yard work go? Is it done? Did you put a hefty dent in it? Don't wear yourself out. You don't want to fall asleep during the Oregon K-State game tonight. I'm looking forward to it a bunch!!!

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By violetD on Jan 3, 2013 at 10:34 AM

**form response due to time constraints** Thanks SO much!!! I'm off the charts busy lately and I'm SO sorry if I missed any of Y'all FP's!! You are by far the funniest, most clever people I know!! Thanks for all Holiday wishes!! We had a very sweet Christmas with family, and I'm so thankful it's over!! Happy New Year to you, with love and thanks for being such wonderful friends!!

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By kittymac on Jan 3, 2013 at 10:06 AM

He he Ollie has been charging around the house like a rocket today now shes crashed in her bed ready for part two!

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By kittymac on Jan 3, 2013 at 8:43 AM

Lol yup they are like little hoovers !!

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By beckysdad on Jan 3, 2013 at 6:30 AM

I did see Hurt Locker and it was quite good. The Mallorean has the same fun feel and most of the same characters. They bring in a few new ones that really add to it. It's interesting to see Garion in his new role. If anything, this series is more playful than the last one. Yeah, if I hadn't caught that error when I did things would not have gone well at all. I wonder how long it would have taken me to figure it out. As it was, the pizza turned out amazing. The one trouble is I always have to clean the oven after. I put a thicker layer of olive oil in the bottom of the cake pans I use. This gives almost a fried quality to the outer edge of the crust but inevitably that oil spills out in the cooking process. I suppose I could put cookie sheets below but I use the bottom rack as it is when baking these...Oh well, with a self cleaning oven it just costs me a somewhat smelly house for a few hours. I started that when I got up this morning and by the time I get back from taking waterfall pics it will all be done. What are you up to today? Will you be venturing out into the yard for more debris removal or will you still be hunkered down with a book?

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By buyerbware on Jan 3, 2013 at 5:34 AM

I once caught a glimpse of their "mom" using a sparkly feather toy to get them to express a little for the camera. This is the ploy used at cat shows to get the contestants to show their features without being handled constantly.

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By buyerbware on Jan 2, 2013 at 6:22 PM

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By beckysdad on Jan 2, 2013 at 4:35 PM

I, too, would like to see that Seal Team Six movie. It's done by the same gal that directed Hurt Locker. There's definitely potential there. True Blood...that's the one they made into a series on HBO right? I know of it by reputation. That should be good for a cold winter day. You'd mentioned that you might start The Mallorean once winter rolled that bubbling up to the surface or is there something else in your crosshairs. I just started dinner for the second time. I'd just gotten through putting together some dough and running it through the bread hook for about five minutes when I looked over and saw the yeast still on the counter. Oh well, it's only ten minutes work and two bucks of ingredients so I started over. I know most people are still current with their new years resolutions of improved health and fitness but one of mine is to never waste ingredients and I have all this mozzarella in the fridge... Deep Dish Pizza is a good way to start the new year I figure.

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