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By 2katmom on Dec 31, 2012 at 6:19 AM

katka live in NYC - n got stuck after Sandy. She was telling us her horror stories too. She and her kitteh were cuddling much.

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By 2katmom on Dec 31, 2012 at 5:57 AM

Glad to see you pop-in!!! now you and katkabob need to tell the stories for the next elelbenty years. Hope you called your sis! Happy New Year - enjoy the heat and warm showers n stuff! ***hugs*** kris

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By beckysdad on Dec 27, 2012 at 6:09 AM

Hmmm...I'm trying to figure what drama is keeping you away from the site. None of them are good. Do you still have power? I see it's a balmy 24 degrees right now. Power loss would be better than a family loss but still ugly. I'm holding out hope that Chuck surprised you with a trip to a tropical island for Christmas and he whisked you away immediately. We're missing you around here and hoping you're okay.

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By YesSirmam on Dec 14, 2012 at 3:44 PM

a gem that a friend passed along: TAKE JOY IN…..OLD DOGS Their joys are simple. A soft bed. A scrap fallen from the table that the younger dogs missed. The memory of a treed squirrel. A stormless night. White whiskered faces and legs crooked as question marks. Old Dogs…their sweet Buddha bellies hang over crossed legs as they fall asleep in a coveted patch of sun. Dreaming of out-racing their shadows down long, shady lanes. Once they danced by your side. The very definition of joy unleashed. A perfect poem caught in shining eyes and wagging tails. They have followed you faithfully for years. And would plunge into fires, untamed wildernesses, raging waters if you asked. Now, they struggle to catch up. Their pace slow but their hearts still valiant. Their cloudy eyes are starting to dim and go distant, tuning in to some invisible world. Just beyond your reach. Don’t go you say, as you scratch the tender part between their ears. Stay longer. I can’t imagine a world without your fur pressed close to my cheek. There are still so many roads we haven’t explored. And they look up at you with a wisdom that just slays you. Their backs are bent, not from the weight of years, but from the invisible wings they are growing That will soon take them to a place where once more they are warriors of speed Drunk with the sights and scents of a thousand meadows. Able to leap high enough to touch the wing of the tiniest butterfly. A place where they will now wait for you to catch up. H/T Donna Swajeski /

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By NawtyKitty on Dec 13, 2012 at 10:52 AM

LOL! I was just a western lady in the background of some scenes. Almost made it into 6 scenes, but director thought it might have been too much. He told me I "owed" him for one scene in which I was prominently featured behind a main character in a restaurant scene. Darn. I'm going to have to pull those DVDs out now and watch my episode. Maybe I can do a photo from the TV screen...

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By NawtyKitty on Dec 13, 2012 at 7:21 AM

I have a copy of it on DVD (I have the whole series). I also wrote a magazine article about the show and used to enjoy hanging around the set. That's when I got invited to be on it. And you are right. It IS a lot of hours. The TV show starred Bruce Campbell. Funny man. He gave me a really good interview.

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By psom on Dec 12, 2012 at 4:16 PM

We actually made molds of my arms to use on a body for "Women's Murder Club". It's very weird to walk through the lab and see your arms lying around! And yes, since we take head casts of the actors so their bodies match, especially with NCIS I recognize them.

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By NawtyKitty on Dec 12, 2012 at 12:20 PM

I actually got to be IN my favorite TV show at the time. I was just an extra, but in 5 scenes. Never wanted to be an actress, but it WAS fun and I got to wear a western costume. (And I got paid).

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By psom on Dec 12, 2012 at 11:25 AM

This year we've worked on Mob Doctor, Rizzoli & Isles, CSI Vegas & New York, Sons of Anarchy, to name a few. I find myself shipping body parts all over the country, some days!

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By NawtyKitty on Dec 12, 2012 at 10:52 AM

I worked for Warner Bros. at the time (Human Resources). I got to meet a lot of my favorite actors and actresses (or at least SEE them). Many were very nice. Some, not so nice (full of themselves). Now I work in City government. Nicest people I've ever worked with and a pretty view outside my window.

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By psom on Dec 12, 2012 at 8:05 AM

I ED'd you and Fauxpaws re: NCIS. When ever you see a body at a crime scene or in autopsy it came from where I work.......We do CSI and a bunch of other crime, medical and coroner shows, too. But I like NCIS best!

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By NawtyKitty on Dec 12, 2012 at 8:00 AM

ED'd you talking about NCIS. I love those shows (especially the original). Twice now, hey have filmed less than a mile from our house. Episode before last, when the guy got shot in front of the restaurant, that was a restaurant we go to all the time. It's kind of cool to see your stomping grounds on TV!

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By NawtyKitty on Dec 10, 2012 at 7:35 AM

One Halloween, many, many, many years ago, we put a pig nose on one cat that liked to eat and a parrot beak on one that loved watching birds. We only did it long enough to take a few photos. They were disgusted. Another time (again, just for a photo), we put a teeny tiny green derby with a shamrock on it on Oscar. That was less offensive than the beak, but ge still was not amused.

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By beckysdad on Dec 2, 2012 at 7:42 PM

Thank you...I've known it was coming for some time. Lord knows, LeeAnn was prepping us all for it for months and months. If one embraces the way she viewed it, it's much easier. It wasn't something she feared nor was it anything she rushed towards. She told me months ago that she was like a hermit crab that had outgrown its shell and needed to move on to a new one. She certainly squeezed every last bit of living out of that poor body. How did your guys do for you today?

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By beckysdad on Nov 28, 2012 at 7:31 PM

As you well might have guessed, today's storm didn't live up to its billing but they assure us that this weekend is going to be different...snicker... you don't approach Christmas by going into hock to spend a ton of money on gifts and instead take the time to think about a gift that's actually going to mean something to someone? Why...that's almost like Christmas is supposed to be celebrated... Is that even legal? I had Jeannie this afternoon. LeeAnn emailed me last night to arrange it. She was having a good day but last week was real tough. After she shared that with me I told her that after I hung up with her last week I wondered if that would be the last time we talked. She said that it was a very high probability at the time. We really had a good talk. This could happen at any time but she's cramming as much life as possible into whatever time she has hell of a lady.

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By catmom on Nov 20, 2012 at 6:14 PM

Glad to be friends ~ fankies!

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By Black_Friday on Nov 19, 2012 at 4:45 PM

Get ready for Black Friday 2012. A day for Black Kitties...

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By Black_Friday on Nov 13, 2012 at 11:24 AM

Hi Fauxpaws! I'm sorry to say that I'm looking for someone to take over the Black Friday profile. I've got a Tumblr blog now that takes up an incredible amount of time, but also reaches tens of thousands a day, and I'll be carrying on with Black Friday there. If you're interested at all, I'll send you the pass and email addy so you can get in, then change them. Let me know, K?

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By Marmie on Nov 5, 2012 at 6:28 PM

Hai Fauxpaws! I have been gone from ichc awhile. I fostered kittens and named one after you. He has a lovely home in the Valley with a sister and a mom with MS, he brings her so much joy. I have always loved your LOLs and this guy was so clumsy, I wasn't sure his back end was ever going to work so I thought of you and stole your name!

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By beckysdad on Nov 4, 2012 at 7:19 PM

A doggie pinata is a decorated brown paper bag filled with treats that is then suspended from the rafters in the garage. All the dogs then jump and bite and tear at the bag when it is lowered within their reach because they can smell the treats in side. Frosty Paws are little cups of dog friendly ice cream. They're a big hit with the goggies as you might imagine. It's hard to believe that with all the passing the Lions do that none of those TDs came from a pass. BASTIDS!!!

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