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By Snake73 on Jan 2, 2013 at 3:53 PM

Thank you!

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By kittymac on Jan 2, 2013 at 2:07 PM

Hehe thanks Paws she's always in the kitchen where that was taken sniffing the ground for noms!

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By beckysdad on Jan 2, 2013 at 1:08 PM

Alrighty then...ineptitude it is! Between them and the water company, you're not being served very well. That's unfortunate. Becky didn't mind the cold at all. She was happily springing from place to place and doing long loping circles out on the frosty field. I'd say it makes sense for you guys to enjoy the warmth inside until it warms up a bit outside. I actually put the sweatshirt back on after breakfast as I wanted to venture out to check out some more falls. That was a good idea as it was only 32 when I hit the gates of the park. I didn't bother to get out of the car as I saw a sign saying that dogs were only allowed in campgrounds and in the parking lot. I couldn't take Becky out on the trails with me...even on leash. The website seemed to indicate that on the trails on leash would be okay. It was too cold to just leave her in the car so I turned around and drove home. I'll head back out tomorrow and give it another shot but leave Becky here at home. That was disappointing to not be able to take pictures this morning. I'll slip out and mow lawns this afternoon, taking advantage of the sunshine. What are you reading these days? I'm nearly finished with a wizard and dragon book and will next be reading an account of Seal Team 6.

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By Lungdoc on Jan 1, 2013 at 9:33 PM

Ohai Fauxpaws! Thanks for teh birthday greets. It's good to hear from you, and I'm glad you've got your electrickity bakk! Silleh weathers. Happy new year to you and yours!

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By DianeMarie on Jan 1, 2013 at 8:48 PM

Miz Scarlett, huh? I think you just gave me an idea for next year's costume...

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By Sylviag on Jan 1, 2013 at 8:37 PM

Nite nite :) I am changing mine in a second here to the Seawaks logo :)

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By beckysdad on Jan 1, 2013 at 8:29 PM

I'd say the same thing (oink) except that would make me a cannibal. I guess I'd be okay with that as I seem to be top pig! One pea per month should be enough to guarantee good luck. You must have only had eleven last year as your luck ran out about Christmas day. So much for my vow to not watch tonight's game. It's been better than I thought it would be and I've been busy with other things as I've had the game on.

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By buyerbware on Jan 1, 2013 at 7:38 PM

It's a good one so far, thanks! Glad you liked the laffs - here are some more.

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By Sylviag on Jan 1, 2013 at 6:01 PM

I did stay warm - wore tights under my jeans, a camisole, long sleeved T anda thick fleece jacket, thick pair of hiking socks, wool hat and hand warmer in each pocket. What a weather weenie ROFL DId u watch football today?

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By beckysdad on Jan 1, 2013 at 5:33 PM

Boy, that Stanford game was pretty close. I didn't expect that the defenses would be so dominant. I'd imagine those electrical guys get paid pretty well when they're brought in by other companies in emergencies. Did you chomp those crab legs yet? You've shown great restraint so you deserve to enjoy them. I think I'm done with football for today. Tonight's game doesn't interest me. Oregon and Kansas on Thursday should be a shootout. That could be way fun to watch.

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By DianeMarie on Jan 1, 2013 at 4:15 PM

LOLZ... You don't even wanna know how tightly that corset was cinched! And thank you, it was an incredible night. Best event I've ever attended!

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By DianeMarie on Jan 1, 2013 at 3:13 PM

Here's the finished effect, flower and all! Lol --

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By Cattails on Jan 1, 2013 at 11:31 AM

Thanks so much for stopping by to say hello! So glad my friends didn't forget about me while I have been away. Best wishes for a wonderful New Year. Keep lolling!

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By beckysdad on Jan 1, 2013 at 11:05 AM

How was the store? Was it very crowded? I guess it's just a California thing to walk next door to the neighbors place to grab a fresh lemon off their tree... sorry couldn't resist. Well, yeah I could have...I just chose not to... I guess that be a nice guy resolution didn't last very long. Laundry isn't a very fun way to start the new year but at least you have power.

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By jambuzz on Jan 1, 2013 at 10:56 AM

Ohh no did I read you didn't have power and got it back on Sunday. That sucks. You didn't get too cold did you?

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By beckysdad on Dec 31, 2012 at 9:47 PM

I guess I should have said I got all new Rubbermaid storage containers. Tupperware just became to name folks use for all storage, much like Kleenex is for tissues. These are safe for the microwave. I'm right with you on the sentiment for Romo's last interception. I had the same near emotion you had. We'd have probably gone through with it if he'd been wearing any other jersey. ;^) You're right about all the blood letting. If you're a coach in professional sports you're hired to be fired. I didn't make jassacks up. I got that one from Dad. Lord knows who he got it from. I know there are plenty of them he got from his dad. The jassacks aren't waiting for midnight. They started about six o'clock blowing stuff up. Becky never would have made it in a war zone. I can't say I blame her as it drives me a little nuts, too. I tended to moderate on "amateur night" since I knew the cops would be out in force. I wish I would have moderated the rest of the time simply because it's a stupid, stupid thing to do but I wasn't that bright. Having holidays off is not exactly part of the deal when you work in a restaurant, is it? I don't think anyone goes into it for the hours. It sure is good having you back.

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By kittymac on Dec 31, 2012 at 8:23 AM

Whoot you has a back!! Thanks paws got you're email and have just read you're message on Beckysdads dash man the whole thing sounds so a right nightmare and having to worry about the tree's falling i would be munching valium again poor buddy sounds like Elf was chilled he knew his mama wud take care of him so glad thats over with and you can thaw out now and rest with some food in you hope the trees are't too badly damaged guess its hard to tell while the white stuff lingers speak to you soon hon so happy to see you back we had a worried XX

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By buyerbware on Dec 31, 2012 at 7:53 AM

Welkumz! Christmas here was perfect, thank you! UR BAK! HAPPEE DANSES!!!!!!! HOPE UR WARM AFTER 5 SNO DAZE!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!

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By Sylviag on Dec 31, 2012 at 6:31 AM

Welcome back and so glad ur OK :) lub and hugz

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By beckysdad on Dec 31, 2012 at 6:23 AM

WooHoo! It is SO good to see you back. I was wondering what had happened to you and as more time went by I started thinking about scenarios and finally did a power outage search for Little Rock. That told me that 100k were still without power and I surmised you were part of that unlucky group. That was when I started Power-AID Live. I figured that the deerslayer would organize your indoor camping trip. He's a resourceful guy. That really had to suck being without power that long and dealing with the cold. You guys were probably better equipped to deal with it than many. I can imagine what it would have been like for some of the older, less capable folks. It sounds like you have some outdoor projects to keep you busy for a while. At least you'll be able to come back inside for hot showers and a warm beverage when you're done.

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