
Psycho Dude Accuses Girl of Cheating After Going on Just a Few Dates With Her, Gets Ragged on and Ripped Apart by TikTok


The dating world is filled with he-said/she-said situations. TikToker Martyna, however, is sharing a casual dating situation that seems bonkers said any other way. 


It started when she started casually seeing this guy. They had only gone on a few dates and had known each other for maybe a month. During one of their dates the guy even told her that he wasn't looking for anything serious. A classic phrase for someone avoiding commitment. But, it seemed fine, so she just carried on with her life accepting the obvious casualness of her current situation. 


“Casual dating ain't for me”


Turns out this man did not think they were casual. He texts her angrily accusing her of cheating on him because he saw her profile on a dating app. 


The amount of red flags here is ABSURD. First of all, he said he didn't want anything serious, which means you don't want to be exclusive. Secondly, if he found her profile on a dating app that means he too was using that dating app… And thirdly, they had only gone on a few dates together, why would he assume they're already in a serious relationship?? Oh, AND he ghosted her for a week before he texting her all this craziness. Everything about this situation screams run away. And she did just that. She called him out for being absolutely psycho and said she was done with him. 


She wasn't even seeing anyone else…


Everyone on TikTok is shocked at how disconnected this guy's reaction is. It's also unfortunate, but lots of women are commenting how they've dealt with similar situations. “Boy created a whole other universe in his head,” one viewer commented. “Ah. You ran into a Nice Guy(tm). Dodged a bullet there,” another person said. “He ran through every manipulation tactic he could think of 😂,” another pointed out. 




She even hit her viewers with a very recent update. After posting that video, going viral, and posting other videos responding to comments she woke up with a text from that guy's friend. The friend was “apologizing” for his friend's behavior and seemed so utterly shocked. But Martyna could read right through him. It was obvious that he saw they were “broken up” (if you can even call it that) and he was swooping in—low and behold he tried to ask her out. She of course said absolutely not and immediately blocked him. Apparently she had met this friend before and he was very similar to the guy she went on those dates with. So she had simply had it with the red flags and just kept trucking along. 


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