Cats reacting to things - also known as one of our favorite genres of videos on the internet. Cats reacting in any way to any thing is the best thing. And it's even better when our cats react with complete and utter befuddlement. Whether it's our cats getting shocked by watching a lion documentary, or attempting to bamboozle our cats with optical illusions or this cat's hissterical reaction to its owner spilling food. When our cats are shook, we laugh. That's the rule.
And another rule is that we, as our cats' humble servants who do absolutely everything for them, have the right to bring something to bamboozle our cats every once in a while. They can complain all they want. Them's the rules. And that's why we cannot be mad at the person in this video for bringing a spooky toy snake for their cats to react to. No, we cannot be mad. We can only laugh.