
Ultimate Summer Goal: Learn How to Befriend Your Local Crows and Become the Neighborhood Witch


Congratulations, you have found the path towards #CrowTok. If you never really though much about the murder of crows in your neighborhood (yes, a group of crows is called a murder) then you will be thinking about them a lot now. People on TikTok are befriending their local murders of crows and are have basically now gotten a real life spirit animal to follow them around. 


Whose dream isn't to be able to walk down your street, just give a little whistle, and soon several crows are flying towards you like your loyal knights of the sky. They are so intelligent and so smart, some people are even calling them “sky puppies.”



#CrowTok is where you wanna be at on this app. Within all the chaos, drama, and silly dance trends, #CrowTok is the only cool thing going on. It's teaching people how to become the local witch of their neighborhood. It's apparently not too difficult to befriend you local crows AND after you are part of the murder, they start bringing you gifts like coins and other shiny things they find on the streets. You give them some treats, and they'll give you some gifts. It's a beautiful relationship that can blossom between human and crow


Sky Puppies

Treats, Consistency, and Patients


Bet you didn't know that crows stay with their parents, much like humans do, until they're ready to start their own families. Though they are basically fully grown within first month they are born, they'll stay with their parents for years before going off on their own. So really, we can relate pretty well to crows. Plus, they form quick attachments and some even learn to talk. Some crows have been shown to even understand what is being said. So it's all very fascinating and why not befriend them? 


"You must make offerings to get the offerings"

Crow Presents


Being friends with the crows also might come in handy one day. It's not only incredible badass to walk down your street and have a murder of crows following you gleefully, but they also will protect you. Crows have been known to fight off predators even as large as a bald eagle. So those with tiny dogs that you'd like to let out in your yard but are afraid they'll get swooped by a hawk—befriend your local crows! They'll make sure your smol pup is safe from sky predators. (This lil pup has his own crow guardians!)


Crow Tip


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