
Women Make Sobering Allegation That Catcalling Can Have An Age Limit

There are plenty of cool aspects to being a woman. Studies suggest we tend to live longer, and be cleaner and more intelligent than our male counterparts (but if being a dumb, filthy wench who lives wildly and dies before the age of thirty is your jam, no one's here to shame you for breaking down the stereotypes). 

However, being female can have some major issues, namely the ones that come from societal treatment. Misogyny is an ugly word for a very ugly thing, and it can rear its head whenever you least expect it. The vast majority of women have experienced unwanted attention walking down the street before, but one TikToker made an unsettling observation about this already foul phenomenon that many seemed to be in agreement with.

According to @imtiredude, she experienced far less catcalling at the ripe old age of 20 than when she was a teenager several years ago. While she was making light of the situation, many women viewers seemed to have had similar things happen to them. 

Disturbingly, a number of commenters felt like they had experienced their worst street harassment during their younger teen years. “The MOMENT I turned 18 I went from being catcalled everyday to never being catcalled. Almost as if they KNEW”, said @usernotfoundiguess. Some even bitterly celebrated aging out from the unwanted attention: @conillina claimed that being 35 made her “literally invisible to men, and living my best life”. 

While some women immediately related to the video, others were making some unwelcome realizations.

Figuring out the potential reason for predatory behavior years after the fact is never fun.

Others theorized as to why this was such a shared experience.


While the reality of catcalling can generally be boiled down to men being dicks that want to abuse a woman's right to feel safe in public, the reasons for those who do it targeting potentially younger victims is even more repulsive. For @robin_b1rrd, “it's all about the power dynamic. A kid can't defend themselves”. 

Sadly, this kind of harassment can happen to women of any age, but thanks to this TikTok, we have a whole new reason to feel even worse about it. Maybe even have a few unfortunate things click into place. Who knew that it was so difficult to leave underage girls alone?


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