
Microwave Mishaps to the Tune of Taylor Swift and a Foil Wrapped Cheeseburger


It’s not as simple as an EZ Bake Oven, but the common microwave is possibly one of the most child-friendly appliances in the home. With its uber protective shield and easy-to-use buttons, there’s really nothing that can injure someone, except maybe the scaling hot melamine plate with a frozen tamale on top of it that has been in there for 5 minutes.

@itsjustgalvin, aka Galvin Cali, is a young TikTok skit writer who points out that there is much more that can actually go wrong in the microwave. As we all learned when we were kids, metal cannot, under any circumstances, go into this machine. There’s no explanation when you’re young, it’s just the law.


There are times in everyone’s childhood where we learn the reason for things: why we look both ways before crossing, why you can’t pull the cat’s tail, and most definitely why we need to avoid metallic dish ware and foil in the microwave. In Galvin’s video, he shows a 9 year old version of himself, happily loading the nuke-box with a cheeseburger wrapped in foil. Galvin’s 9 year old “cooking techniques” are likely to start a fire in the house or at least cause a bit of emotional panic. With Taylor Swift narrating the whole scene, it's hard not to laugh at Galvin's rendition of childhood lessons learned. 


It’s a simple mistake really. Nobody can really say that they never accidentally left the foil on their leftovers or even left a metal spoon in a bowl of soup. But surely, with the deafening gunfire raging inside the microwave with sparks of tiny flames rising up out of your EasyMac, any sane person (child or otherwise) would run to shut it off immediately. That’s just self preservation.

Not Galvin. 


When sparks fly, he might just die. 



Since 1950, it has been unusual to see a household in America that does not have a microwave. Back then, microwaves were sold as trendy new cooking machines that would eventually replace the stove. No offense to households in the 50’s, but there must be something wrong with your taste buds to think that microwaved goo could REPLACE some fried up bacon or a tasty grilled cheese. 


Maybe in the 50’s they didn’t foresee pitiful TV dinners or foil covered burgers going into these fancy and trendy appliances. Now since they’re only $50 at Walmart, a microwave isn’t even really that fancy. Quite frankly, as an adult, microwaves are really only good for heating leftovers, avoiding doing dishes, and replicating sketchy YouTube experiments. And if the latter inspires you, Galvin, go on letting those sparks fly.




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