Service Industry Workers Share the Different Worlds of Back of House and Front of House


If you've worked in the service industry before, then you know, oh you know… Everything changes the second you pass that threshold and you are in *the kitchen*. Front of house has to dress nice, look presentable to the guests, always have a smile on their face, walk slowly, speak to co-workers calmly, and just overall be a part of the ambience in the restaurant. Back of house however… the only rule in the back of house, is don't f*ck up. And keep your hair back! The music in the front of house is usually calm and soothing, then you walk into the back of house and it's some extreme rap or metal or something totally off vibe from the FoH. 


BoH is yelling and swearing at each other, they're covered in flour and/or grease, their movements are rigid and ready to run a marathon. It's organized chaos and the restaurant just wouldn't function without them. TikTokers who work as servers and line cooks or whatever position in the service industry are sharing experiences that truly show just how different the worlds of FoH and BoH actually are. 


Music Wise, the Vibes are Always Completely Different:

“This is why we forget everything when we walk into the kitchen…”

“The switch is real.”

“Love to see it. #ServerLife"

“Rap in the back, early 2000s jams in the front”

“A kitchen bop though.”


But even if there wasn't music playing in either worlds (which most likely would never happen), it would still be totally different experiences. The people who are working BoH are doing a job that takes a completely different personality than the FoH. Iykyk: FoH has to always be polite, BoH has to always be ready to rumble. 


Also, The People Vibes Are Totally Different:

“FoH: ‘It’s St. Patrick's Day!' BoH: ‘We really don’t give AF.'”

"Basically two personalities"

“Fresh vs. Dusty”

“FoH: ‘It’s whimsical & fun!' BoH: ‘WHAT’RE YOU LOOKING AT, MFer?!'”


But even though the front of house and back of house are two completely different worlds, they're still best friends. Because the best functioning restaurant is one where these two worlds work perfectly in sync together. 


“That my evil twin <3”


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