Easily Entertained Husky Thoroughly Enjoys Experimenting With His Hooman’s Sound-Activated Lights


It's always exciting when your little fluffy pet gets excited by a toy you get them, but any pet owner knows that often our pet's favorite toys are the ones that aren't actually toys. Like our underwear, couches, or in this case, sound-activated lights. TikToker, @hothqueen caught her husky playing with her sound-activated lights on video, and let's just say this guy really knows how to perform.

Before getting into this video, can we just say that we didn't even know that sound-activated lights were a thing? Where can we get them? We also want to play with them!


Let's Watch


I mean this husky really knows what he's doing! This video quickly blew up, it already has over 7 million views and people are thoroughly impressed in the comments. Shall we share a few?


Some of the best comments:


The fact he’s doing loud and quiet ones to test it is amazing

he's even testing different volumes...too smart for his own good 😂

Imagine trying to sleep and all through the night is 🐶💡🐶💡🐶💡.

Na he seen stranger things lol

3am: *ruff* 💡 *ruff* 💡

My easily entertained ass just watched this like 3 times 😭🤚🏾

Just discovered their powers lol


Huskies will do this type of problem solving and then run into a wall 5 mins later 😂



We need to learn more about this adorable Husky, but the only other video we could find of him is cuddling with @hothqueen's adorable grandbaby. Who isn't a sucker for babies and dogs hugging?


Cuddle Buddies


The TikToker also shared where she got her lights from. Yay, coming in clutch for sure.


Where To Find These Lights


But after thinking about it, the whole barking at the lights thing is definitely cute for a video, but we could definitely imagine it getting on our nerves a bit. to each their own though, some people may not be bothered at all. We also bet some doggos there would never even realize it either.


We'd love to see more content with this gorgeous husky as well, but until then we are very happy with this little symphony he created for us all to listen to over and over again,l and we will. He sure is a smart one.


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