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Kids are weird people, and we have the evidence to prove it. This tumblr thread, as provided by Imgur user Srajo101, tells the tale of how some interesting campers anointed multiple inanimate objects — first a pile of kelp, then a zucchini — as a deity called Me Boy and worshipped it devoutly, even after their camp counselor took the step to cut up the zucchini and cook it. From what it sounds like, this camp counselor couldn't do anything to stop these kids from talking about Me Boy and acting like they're in some sort of bizarre cult. At a week-long camp, this may seem like an issue that resolves itself at the end of the week, but nope: the next week's children were obsessed with Me Boy too.
Again, kids are weird people. For more proof of concept, read about the time a teacher's whole class started worshipping a stuffed octopus.
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