Woman Reveals How A Dirty Joke Gone Wrong Secured Her A Husband

  • Rectangle - Relationship Advice Dating Advice Dating and Relationships / What was the weirdest way you started a relationship? 2 Answer a Follow · 24 8 Request 00
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  • Font - 99 Hilariously and embarrassingly failing to make a dirty joke in a packed room. A dear friend of mine knew that I'd just gone through a horrible breakup and decided to cheer me up by inviting me to join him and a group of rowdies that were recording a podcast at his house. 66
  • Font - 99 He figured it would take my mind off of things and get my brain out of the dumps and back into the gutter where it belonged (I have a knack for dirty jokes and commentary Im told). Without any other social options, I figured what the hell, and showed up at his place, nervous but willing to participate. 66
  • Font - 99 Introductions were made. There were about eight guys sitting around a long table, some I knew, some I didn't, and one very attractive guy sitting at the laptop that would record the show. When his introduction was missed, I assumed it was a mistake, so wanting to cement my place in the dynamic as the willingly perverted set of boobs in the room, I blurted out, "who's the fuckable one?" 66
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  • Font - 99 The host stood in stunned silence as I pointed blatantly to the tall, dark-haired man who was now looking at me sideways in what suddenly seemed like a very crowded room. 66
  • Font - 99 "Umm... that's Randy." The host had a very perturbed look on his face as I silently emoted that this name wasn't familiar to me in any way. "You know... Randy... from the pub?" 66
  • Font - 99 I still looked between the host and this Randy fellow in confusion. While indeed, he was developing the shade of red in his cheeks that I'd been hoping to accomplish, everybody else seemed agog at my lack of understanding instead of my brazen words. I was frozen with confusion and embarrassment. 66
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  • Font - 99 "You've only worked next to him for three years, he's the guard on the patio." Oh. Crap. 66
  • Font - 99 I'd seen him, but never really registered him in my mind. Every weekend when I was DJing at the pub, he would sit silently in the corner of the patio and wait to break up any fights that started, but he never interacted with me or indicated that he wanted to. 66
  • Font - 99 I'd never really looked at him either because, well, I was in a serious relationship and I wasn't supposed to. Meanwhile, our gracious host, who was in charge of the security of the same pub, was constantly talking to both of us throughout the night, always assuming that we all spoke to each other. 66
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  • Font - 99 There was no way to save myself that I could think of, so I quietly sank onto the couch, cleared my throat, and stared at my shoes. The men, all grinning like Cheshire cats except for Randy who silently went back to setting up his laptop, began finding their places at the table and unloading bags of candy and energy drinks for the three- hour session. 66
  • Font - 99 I politely waited for them all to take their accustomed places and I would take whatever was left... oh crap there's only one chair left... next to Randy."So what's your handle going to be," the host asked, still chuckling like he'd successfully plotted a heist. "No real names on the show, you >> know." 66
  • Font - 99 "Oh, I don't know, something feminine, since I'm the only set of tits in this place." "Tits McGee?" "Sold." >> "Works great with Randy's name, Mr. Mayhem. There you go, Tits and Mayhem, I love it." 66
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  • Font - 99 On the upside, the awkwardness made for some good ribbing and good laughs on the show, and I was invited to become a regular cast member. A week later, Randy and I had our first date, six months later he proposed, and a year later we were married. Fans of the show sent wedding gifts, it was all very wild. 66
  • Forehead - 99 We've been married just over five years now, all because of a dirty joke gone wrong. 66


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