Weird Stereotypes About America Which Foreigners Found Out Are Actually True

  • 01
    Rectangle - r/AskReddit u/Shelleton8 · 1y O 1 3 3 Non Americans of Reddit, what is the craziest rumor you heard about America that turned out to be true? 56.9k 54.6k ,↑, Share
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  • 02
    Rectangle - Hasetate • 1y Surfer-dudes actually speak like that. 3.9k
  • 03
    Font - Inquistador43 · 1y I'm from Quebec and when we went down to Boston for a school trip, I sneezed in public and heard two or three people say "bless you". Quite a weird rumour I had heard not 2 months prior to that. I thought it was nice. + 1.7k •..
  • 04
    Rectangle - TheHunterBB• 1y That people actually get attacked by Alligators which got in their pools (specifically referring to Florida here). 2.5k •..
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  • 05
    Font - Kwickly1 • 1y So apparently yellow school buses are actually a thing in America. I honestly thought it was just a cartoon thing, but nope. 614 ... 8 MORE REPLIES
  • 06
    Facial expression - panda_1996 · 1y That Dolly Parton has her own theme park in Tennessee. I thought it was a joke. 6.9k
  • 07
    Rectangle - outrojin • 1y I actually don't properly know if this is true but yous have like a whole isle in your supermarkets dedicated to just the hundreds of cereals you have ? 865 •..
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  • 08
    Rectangle - el_dude_brother2 • 1y Free refills! 1.5k ... 13 MORE REPLIES +8
  • 09
    Rectangle - PlaidSkirtBroccoli • 1y Masked people come to your house, knock on your door asking for candy. Mostly it's just packs of kids but sometimes whole families. This was my friends Halloween culture shock. 1.7k ...
  • 10
    Font - BeYourOwnDog • 1y Sports Bars are actually exactly how they're portrayed on TV 19.6k •.. [deleted] • 1y Just much less attractive people. 12.1k •..
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  • 11
    Font - _Warsheep_ · 1y The minimal amount of paid days off you get from work. A friend of mine from Wisconsin was very proud he got 20 days off per year. If someone in Germany would offer me only 20 days, I would laugh at him and leave. 4.6k ...
  • 12
    Font - flyingmouse · 1y 31 Award I've had several German friends who were amazed that at house parties everyone actually does drink out of red Solo cups. They thought that was just a weird thing people did in movies and now they think it is a huge conspiracy or something
  • 13
    Rectangle - whowantsrice · ly That American kids eat straight sugar. Walked on to the playground and saw kids chugging these long thin sticks. I try and it was just colored sugar lol. Called them pixie sticks. 14.4k •..
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  • 14
    Rectangle - NamelessBeth • 1y 3 1 Award You can see into the public toilet cubicles 14.3k •..
  • 15
    Font - TrueHybrid · 1y 3 1 Award As a Brit living in America the amount of pharmaceutical commercials on TV is creepy. 26.7k •.. Ofreo • 1y S 1 Award Smiling person living life to the fullest. Narrator: Side effect include anal bleeding, gigantism, lupus, skin shedding, and death. Ask your doctor about Prolax today 8.1k ...


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