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It's not fun having a manager that demands you do the impossible. When Redditor u/kdpowpow's manager did exactly that by way of telling them they were being difficult for telling a customer the grocery deli they worked at was closed (it was closed), and then telling OP they was still being difficult for not receiving help closing up for the night.
When OP said they were leaving when their schedule said they would regardless of how close they were to close, the manager threatened OP's job — not realizing that OP had already given their notice more than a month in advance. OP walked out that night and never came back — as far as we can tell, it sounded like a terrible place to work anyway.
These "screw this, I quit" stories are a good reminder that more often than not, we don't actually have to put up with tyrant bosses, horrible coworkers and entitled customers. Sometimes the signs are there and a "screw this I'm out" moment is in order, as evidenced by these people who quit their jobs wit style.
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