Talking Crow Gets Escorted Out Of Elementary School After Swearing Too Much

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    It all started with this iconic headline:

    Font - Friendly, foul-mouthed crow befriends entire Oregon elementary school before state police are called in
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    The internet quickly lost it in the best way possible.

    Organism - Maladroithe ... @Maladroithe Oh my god???? This is the only Christmas Miracle I care about?????? Friendly, foul-mouthed crow befriends entire Oregon elementary school before state police are called in Uodated Dec. 09. 2021 109am. I Pubished Dec. 0a 2021. Decarne a temporary mascot at Aen vaie It was Ike a parrot, imei saia. It was tne weirdest thing." Elementary School in November when the bird took up residence at the Grants Pass school. Still, because it was a wild animal that would
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    It turns out that crow's name is Cosmo, and here is a photo of him:

    Bird - Cosmo the talking crow, in a hat made by Daphnie Colpron.
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    Cosmo is his own free man, but chooses to hang around the farm of an animal rescuer named JaNeal Shattuck. This week however, the family was on vacation, and a nasty neighbor captured the bird and took him away!

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    Poor Cosmo did not enjoy being taken away from his farm...

    Font - Lynzee Loveridge Official Jingle Belle @ANN_Lynzee Replying to @Maladroithe oh my god it only gets better While the family was gone for Thanksgiving, they said a neighbor captured the bird and took him to a local animal sanctuary. The sanctuary, not realizing he was habituated to humans, released him, likely in Grants Pass. Once he was out, Shattuck said, he started looking for home, causing quite the stir in town. "Cosmo would sit on top of Planet Fitness, talking to people who were goin
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    According to the Oregonian, Cosmo then found his way into an elementary school, where he began to swear, and all heck broke loose.

    Font - Maladroithe @Maladroithe I would die for Cosmo It turns out, talking crows aren't just something out of an Edgar Allan Poe poem. And this crow, or possibly and more in line with Poe, raven, knows at least 40 words. "He knows a lot of words, I'm not going to lie," said Daphnie Colpron on Thursday. "His vocabulary has expanded quite a bit in the last few weeks." Colpron knows a good deal about the crow, or possibly raven -- who also may be female -- because her mother rescued the bird about
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    Cosmo definitely entertained the students:

    Font - Val Standing @ValStanding Replying to @Maladroithe "His vocabulary has expanded quite a bit in the last few weeks". A strong endorsement for the quality of teaching at Allen Dale Elementary School.
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    Font - Charlie Germano ... @CharlieGermano Replying to @Maladroithe Cosmo the friendly, profane crow is the hero we need right now.
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    Hmm, what do you think, is Cosmo a spy for the crows?

    Handwriting - portrayedaswhat 4 days ago This sounds like a PR stunt put on by The Crows themselves to make everyone think they are nice and innocent before they take over the world.
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    Some more information about crows:

    Rectangle - Markius Fox EEO ® @MarkiusFox Replying to @Maladroithe For clarification, Cosmo is a Crow, not a Raven. A broad hooked beak would be the tell, along with a deep "rawk" instead of a higher pitched "caw".
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    Rectangle - Maladroithe @Maladroithe Replying to @ANN_Lynzee That's a trickster god, you can't fool me Cosmo
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    Font - Sentinel Meerkat @SentinelMeerkat Replying to @Maladroithe I can't sleep - now I see that the world still has Cosmo and people who are patient enough to raise him with love and wonder and sew him little hats. The fact that he is willing to wear the hat for her says everything we need to know about respect, which is love in plain clothes.


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