Redditor u/Adam-Richard113 acknowledges that he has some insecurities about his height. Which is healthy. We all have insecurities about something but it is up to us to make sure that we don't project them onto other people. Or otherwise, let those insecurities cause us to act out towards other people in harmful or toxic ways.
Acknowledging is good but u/Adam-Richard113 fell short of the goal here when they acted out in a toxic way towards his girlfriend, acting on that insecurity.
u/Adam-Richard113's decision to hide the shoes was extremely unfair towards his girlfriend. This caused her to not enjoy the wedding in the way that she wanted to and was manipulative and self-centered.
When you act in this way towards people you come across as being extremely entitled.
The girlfriend is completely justified in her reaction and how she felt about her boyfriend's actions and it's time for them to think about how to move forward from here.
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