Alright, so you're walking through the woods at night. The trail is starting to close in with brush on either side, and you can feel the cold thin limbs starting to poke against your sides as the trail narrows down, only passable by single file. Outside of the field of your headlamp, it's just blackness. You might as well be at the bottom of the ocean. The darkness keeps pushing in, and you know your light is starting to fade.
And then the sign appears. One single steel pole perpendicular to the dirt. A blue sign on on the top in unmistakably clear font.
"Animal Carcasses"
It dawns on you that the sign didn't help your waning nerves, but at the same time, maybe it was good to have seen the sign before tripping over the physical contents of its message.
These signs may be horribly creepy, but it the adage of "what you don't know can't hurt you" becomes increasingly false when you read a sign that says "50 foot pit up ahead." Thanks, signs.
Here are some more creepy signs that made their message clear.
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