Each region of the United States is known for something. The most well-known stereotypes are typically reserved for East Coasters, Southern Californians, Floridians, and Texans (who are apparently mean, stupid, crazy, and inbred respectively). However, there are large portions of the States that are left unmentioned or unnoticed.
Perhaps there are portions of this country that didn't disrupt society enough to gain any sort of reputation or maybe it's simply because they're not worth mentioning at all. However, the most notable region of America that is best remembered for blandness and inconsequential nature is the Midwest.
Corn fields, county fairs, and gravy are probably the best things to come out of the middle of this dear country, but surely there's more to it than what meets an outsiders eye. One TikToker, Alexander Joe, a mid-westerner who managed to escape the doldrums, made a satirical video listing all of the fun and exciting things to do in the MID states.
Obviously, this video is a joke. The way Alex talks about doing these “fun activities” seems to caught a bile reflex or even a tear jerking response. First, he mentions the most exciting activity to do: visit the only store in town. Here we come, Walmart!
Are we having fun yet? Next on this midwestern adventure, we have the corn. Obviously.
Surely there has to be more to life in Nebraska, right? Apparently there is. Want to know why Americans love their cars so much? Welp, that's sometimes the only activity that has air conditioning, music, and interactivity.
With gas prices nowadays, this particular activity probably isn't as fun as it used to be. Luckily for every inhabitant of the corn-fed states, there's even more to do. You can frolic in a field, just like Heidi did in the Swiss Alps. Except it's not rural, gorgeous, and pristine-- it's just rural. But look how free and happy he is!
You may be asking yourself, “what about the social scene?”. I'm glad you asked my friend, because remember driving around in the car as the previous activity? Well, there's a caveat there that is incredibly social and will satisfy any social interaction urges you may have: The finger wave. Now you can quickly, kindly, and respectfully greet every single person you make eye contact with.
Is human interaction not enough? Interact with wildlife!
There's just simply so much to do that is exhilarating and invigorating in the Midwest, it's a miracle their stereotype doesn't cater to the adrenaline junkies. But it turns out, the Midwest DOES have a stereotype. The people are nice, the food is deliciously fatty, and nobody's in a hurry to go anywhere. For some people, that's just heavenly.