It's almost hard to believe that a (mostly) credible financial institution could resort to such predatory practices but the unfortunate thing is that it happens all of the time.
Something similar happened to me with one of the top medical institutions in the state where I grew up. Turns out, they had hidden fees that they charged into an "account" under your name every time you went for a visit. (This was in addition to the copay I had to make for my insurance.) They didn't tell you about these fees or notify you that you had a balance that needed to be paid when you went into a visit. The only way I ever would have noticed was if I had created and logged into an account on their website. I had no idea until I started receiving letters from a debt collection agency, which I was so confused about I was certain was a scam. So if that can happen with a respected organization just imagine what else is going on out there.
Anyways we came upon this thread while perusing the internet and thought it was a great read. See below for screenshots.
For more shoddy scammers, check out this client who refused to pay a designer for their work which led to a genius act of revenge.
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