I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

‘You’re Safe Now!’; Angelic Hooman Saves Kitten Thrown Out of Moving Car Window


We don't even know how to begin this tragic story The thought of a helpless kitten being thrown out of a moving car window is terrifying, but we are all well aware that there are some evil humans out there who are clearly not worthy of having animals. The only reason we want to share this story is to highlight how angelic the hooman was that rescued this little guy. A 20-year-old TikToker that goes under the username of @3ricagee blew all of us away with how she really went out of her way to save an injured kitten, and not only that, but nurse the little guy back to health.


Let's Watch Trigger Warning: Injured Kitten


This is super hard to watch, but we can promise you that it gets better. Miss Erica really put her all into saving little Kang. We are truly inspired by here. But it's definitely not a simple story. She takes us with her step by step though through her content. So let's get into the entire beautiful story.


Part 2


Part 3


Part 4


Part 5


Part 6


Part 7


Part 8


Part 9


The latest update we were blessed with


That was definitely a rollercoaster, but it seems like Kang is going to be okay, and boy are we happy to hear that. We appreciate you, Erica! You are truly a gem!


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