This Guy Sounds Like An Awful Dog Owner
So, after letting his wife and child know that he wouldn't be helping with the dog at all, this guy went ahead and got his wife and child one of the hardest dog breeds to care for in the world! Granted, this isn't so much a problem with Rottweilers. They are an incredible family breed. But, like any dog, they need the proper training. So, the head of the household can't have a grudge against their new family member!
We'd Be Pretty Mad Too
So, after being wholly against OP, we got to this part of the story and started to see his side. It's pretty disgusting if this is repetitive behavior by his wife. Who wants to step into the kitchen for a snack and be greeted by a giant, steaming bag of Rottweiler poop?
Now That's Just Disgusting
Ew, Shoe Food
We're Leaning ESH
That's A Big Dog, Too!
Because Wife Is Gross
Seriously, This Poor Dog
It's The Kitchen For Goodness Sake
We're Never Going Over To OP's House
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