'My brother said I'm a whiny a**hole': Aunt backs out of family vacation after family makes her the de facto babysitter


In what we view to be a fair argument, she insisted that if “It's not a big deal” then they should sleep with their parents. Her family turned to emotional manipulation by declaring that she was “a bad aunt” and telling her to "grow up." Worth noting here that the aunt is paying for her portion completely, it's not as if her family is paying to bring her along.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by the distressed aunt, Reddit user u/Historical-Party4722, who is wondering if she is in the wrong for taking issue with the arrangements for the trip. Commenters were incredibly outspoken in their declaration that the aunt was NTA (Not the A**hole) for her actions. Reddit user u/luvduvbunny laid out a comprehensive argument for this ruling in their response.

“NTA," the commenter stated. "Your nieces are 4 and 2. They should sleep in the room with their parents because of their age. If they were teens, I can understand giving them their own room. I think your brother and SIL just want a free babysitter. I hate when people with kids want to go on vacation, bring their kids, and dump them on someone else. This is your vacation, and you don’t have kids.”

That's just the thing, it's her vacation too, the parents don't just get to enjoy their vacation by passing their children off onto someone else. The fact that it's being done under the pretense of “being a good aunt” and being combined with emotional blackmailing and gaslighting is just the cherry on top of this sh*t-fest of a cake. She should stick to her guns and spend her money on another vacation for herself. 

Keep reading to see the screenshots and reactions below. 

For more family drama check out this future bridezilla who upstaged her sister on her birthday.

via u/Historical-Party4722

via u/Historical-Party4722

via u/Historical-Party4722

via u/Historical-Party4722

via u/Historical-Party4722


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