Oooh the Internet—what a world wide web of chaos. You love it and you hate it. You couldn't survive without it and you wish it were never invented. It's created an entirely new field of human behavior for psychologists to study. And what do we love the most about it? The humor! Come on? Change my mind. (You can't.) The only reason I doom scroll on the Internet is to get some good actual LOLs in and then maybe send some of those LOLs to people I care about in my life. Yes, I also use it for research, and news, and staying connects, but like… When I need a break from big bad serious big screen at work I go to pocket-sized silly goofy screen, ya know what I mean? Just scrolling through Twitter with no purpose other than to disassociate for a little while, embrace an hour or two of putting yourself in a chaotic funny place? These tweets do just that and then some! They're funny and deprecating—the most comedic fail. Enjoy!
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