Update! 'You are being given a warning': Woman receives passive aggressive note from neighbor demanding removal of decorative fake plants


Earlier this week, we shared this story that featured photos of a letter that was left by a passive-aggressive neighbor who had seemingly taken issue with their neighbor's fake potted plants. Pictures of the letter went viral after they were posted to Reddit's r/mildlyinfuriating subreddit by the recipient, Reddit user u/HedgehogSmoothie. 

The letter was rambling, angry, and incoherent at times and demanded that the woman remove the fake plants from her doorstep. "It has come to our attention to our residents of ——————— that the potted plants outside of your porch are not real and decoration." The letter began before declaring that the woman had two days to remove the plants.

In a comment, the original poster (OP) gave an update and said they had received a second letter. This second note appears to be in the same style as the first and takes the threats of the first letter back a couple of steps. Instead of demanding removal, this letter declares that the woman has been issued a warning and tells her not to “Do (sic) again” before suggesting that she purchase some real plants.

This whole exchange has been bewildering, and we can't help but wonder if that meeting with the 14 other neighbors actually took place. It's more likely that this neighbor has just been running around having this conversation repeatedly with unwitting participants. 

Keep reading for the screenshots, photos, and some transcriptions of the letters that might be easier to read. 

The original poster posts an update in the comments:

via u/HedgehogSmoothie

This is the follow-up letter that the original poster (OP) shared in the update:

via u/HedgehogSmoothie

You are allowed to keep your plants on your property until further required. This notice will be in december when the neighborhood will have real norway spruce trees for play. You are being given a warning pre-dating the letter sent. If however, you do again, we will immediately consider legal action on you and your property. This is not a threat, but a document.
We request the plant furnishing in the future to be of a 100% sourced greenery. If this is not available, feel free to wait until you can. There are a lot of reputable flowers available in local plant houses.
Here is one local greenhouse supplier Village
Thank you,"

The original letter:

Dear —————
It has come to our attention to our residents of ——————— that
the potted plants outside of your porch are not real and decoration.
This will reflect extremely poorly to our houses and other
constitencies in the area who have real plants who might wish to sell
there homes one day, and buyers running away when they saw your
plants. Earlier this week, myself and 14 other neighbors (including
the state enviroment official) have held a group meeting to discuss
the appropriate action necessary to solve this issue.

As of this writing, we have decided to grant to you 2 days to remove
the selected plants from your porch. IF you chose to not correspond,
there might be an official action taken that will include the police
called to write an lawsuit, or the flowery being removed and
discarded of quite immediately. You must within 2 days minimum.
Note: We have chose to make this letter anonymous to protect our
legal right, and to grand you the same legal opportunities. 

Thank you,

Some of the other responses:



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