It's easy to log into Twitter or read the news and think we are absolutely f*cked beyond belief. And you know what, you might not be completely wrong. The world really does seem as though it is going to hell, and it often seems like there is nothing we can do about it. But one of the most clutch things about being a human is our resilience, and our ability to try to make the best of situations. Sometimes, instead of trying to tackle the big things like world peace or climate change, you need to get a bit more granular. Be there for your friends when they need you. Have that extra cuddle with your cat before you go out with friends. Send your closest compadres spontaneous love notes and volunteer when you have the time. Sometimes it's as simple as being present. Think about where you are, soak up the little things that make you happy, whether it's a strong coffee or that pastry you bought to treat yourself. Let the sun kiss your weary face and remember there's still some good in the world. You can also look at some of the many wholesome memes and sweet anecdotes that are floating around the Internet. They never fail to give us a little extra faith in humanity, and that little bit of *oomph* that makes a dragging day feel a little sweeter. These, my friends, are for you.