Once upon a time, in an age before the iPhone...technology may have barely existed and yet somehow, the tech fails were all the more embarrassing. Especially in hindsight. Like, how DID we have trouble with this stuff, considering all the adjustments we have had to make now? I'll be honest: I feel old just writing this.
I suppose these fails are expected now that we are in the midst of the so-called Digital Age, but for those of you who might be feeling nostalgic for simpler tech times, the following list of memes and fails will hopefully provide some much-needed comfort for you too. Alternately, they may just make you feel like no matter where we are in the history of technology, humanity will always be somewhat ill-equipped to handle our very own advancements. Keep scrolling below to have a look for yourself. For more content like this, check out this collection of bizarre shirts! (Thumbnail image from Unsplash)
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