'Celebrity Worship' and 20+ Other Unhealthy Obsessions That Are Too Real

  • 01
    Font - r/AskReddit Posted by u/Zdvj 4 hours ago What's an unhealthy obsession people have? 5 people typing... 3.6k Comments + Award 4
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    As someone who works in social media, how DARE you shame me like this?!

    Font - knovit 4 hr. ago Obsession with their social media image 5.3k Reply Share ... alexemalexem . 2 hr. ago A friend of mine's mother almost spends every waking hour on FB and Instagram. She is constantly updating the world on her life. My friend has had to stop sending her pics of his children because they would immediately end up on her FB. She has fallen for a number of scams - thankly stopped by friend before she lost money. 1.2k It seems the only source of validation in her life are the u
  • 03

    Talk about an echo chamber!

    Font - SuvenPan 4 hr. ago 24 hour news cycles. 1.2k Reply Share needathrowaway321 1 hr. ago It's good to stay involved and informed but if people would just turn off the news (including reddit) I feel like 90% of our culture war would disappear overnight and we could focus on the real issues. 213 Reply Share
  • 04

    Not me (*checks Deux Moi regularly*)

    Font - Streak Free_Shine - 4 hr. ago An obsession with everything celebrities are doing 5.3k Reply Share MultiPass21 3 hr. ago Inclusive of influencers, streamers, and any other random person with a webcam. We get mad at narcissism but go out of our way to throw money at these folks. Not everybody needs to be a brand. The overwhelming majority of us are just plain, ordinary humans - and that's ok. 397 Reply Share
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  • 05

    Amen, sister!

    Font - MiseinToxicity. 3 hr. ago A obsession with each others lives. Seriously just let people live as long as they're not hurting anyone just leave people the alone 3.4k Reply Share
  • 06

    Some of us take too many breaks if we're being totally honest...

    Font - Roke3028 4 hr. ago Work/productivity. Everybody needs a break, not just every once in a while, but often. 2.6k Reply Share
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    But hate-watching media is one of my favorite pastimes!

    Font - Odd Adhesiveness4804 4 hr. ago . Love to hate 4 75 3 Reply Share
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  • 08

    Brb sending this to many people I know...

    Product - shutyourmouf03. 3 hr. ago pointless relationships. settling for less just because you think you can't be alone is not healthy. Reply Share 1.2k
  • 09

    Again, this feels targeted!

    Organism - Long_Elderberry_9298 4 hr. ago Instagram Reels, YouTube shorts, TikTok, videos that shorten our attention span. 2.7k Reply Share ...
  • 10

    But gossip is a human need!

    Font - huiscloslaqueue. 4 hr. ago Other people's sex lives 811 Reply Share Venrera 3 hr. ago Other peoples lives in general. Reply Share 304
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    There's nothing like pretending to text so someone doesn't approach you though!

    Font - Crestego 3 hr. ago Their phones. It's one thing to keep yourself busy, it's another to never let yourself be bored. Being bored is important sometimes, it makes you think/helps clear your head. Phones make it ridiculously easy to never let yourself get bored, to the point where it ain't healthy. Reply Share 593
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    Ok, we GET it! I should stop!

    Font - Thecooleo 4 hr. ago Celebrity worship. They are just normal people guys no different biologically then us. Reply Share 1.0k series_hybrid 3 hr. ago And not just that. If they have significant income, they really do become more distant from reality, and out of touch. Their agent is constantly telling them what a genius they are (because he gets 10%) Reply Share 155
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    Most of the time, it's just not worth it

    Font - Swamy10 4 hr. ago Arguing with strangers on social media 400 Reply Share TheHouseOfApples - 3 hr. ago But you're wrong 272 Reply Share
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  • 14

    I have to agree with this one. People make being overworked feel like a contest.

    Font - Jurano11 3 hr. ago The need to brag about how little rest you got between working. We get it, you got 3 hours of sleep, that sucks, but it's not the flex you think it is. 289 Reply Share
  • 15

    This one was beyond my comprehension...

    Font - vikktorTBF 4 hr. ago Status symbols. Now people are spending hundreds of dollars too look like Disney characters walking around in those big red dumb rubber boots. 153 kingalexander 3 hr. ago What boots? 21 Reply Share 41 Reply Share LazyTypist 3 hr. ago The Astro Boy ones Reply Share
  • 16

    The true crime hero worship IS concerning...

    Font - John Doe4269.3 hr. ago Hero worship, in general. From celebs to serial killers, self- improvement gurus and fictional characters, religious leaders or influencers. I always saw it as a way of outsourcing your morality.
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  • 17

    I've never heard of "professional sports" so this one doesn't apply to me...

    Font - v2micca 3 hr. ago Professional Sports. Hey, I love my own teams, but if you are rioting following a victory or loss by your team, then it is time to seek counseling. Reply Share 609
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    Real talk.

    Font - Flowerino 3 hr. ago What they eat. For some people this obsession can turn dangerous.
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    It's not an obsession, I just always AM right!

    Human body - Avocadofarmer32. 3 hr. ago Being right
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  • 20

    Are you trying to remind me I'm closer to 30 than 20?

    Rectangle - Mad-farmer 3 hr. ago People are obsessed with youth and some people will do anything to maintain its appearance.
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    Iced coffee IS my water and therefore should be free for all

    Font - Snydles 4 hr. ago . I don't know, but I just got a mocha frappe from McDonalds and I'm pretty sure my new obsession with iced coffee is unhealthy. Tastes way too good to be acceptable.
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    But what if it's for my JOB?

    Font - check-himu 4 hr. ago Reddit. 108 Reply Share GaryNOVA 3 hr. ago. edited 2 hr. ago Somehow I ended up moderating 8 different bigger subs along the way (and creating r/SalsaSnobs ) and it had taken over my life. I need help.
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  • 23

    To get serious for a moment...

    Font - Jaded-Clue2840 4 hr. ago. edited 3 hr. ago It's not unhealthy at baseline, but calorie counting and obsessive exercise can easily devolve into disordered eating/food obsession and whatever you call a compulsive exercise disorder. I've seen it happen a few times, where someone starts calorie counting to lose weight, sees the great results they get, and keeps doing it. Then, when they're out at a restaurant or something with friends, gets anxious and panicky when they can't accurately weigh
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    I talk about the White Lotus characters like they're my friends, is that bad?

    Font - filthy_casual_6969. 3 hr. ago TV/video games. I enjoy both but like most things I think it should probably be in moderation.


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