“AITA for yelling at my girlfriend to ‘stop fucking eating?'" Posted by u/throwawaycakegf

The comment section
The comment section was overwhelmingly on OP's side. Some went so far as to suggest OP ought to break up with his girlfriend over the issue.

“It’s not even lack of self control. She could use a spoon. She’s doing this intentionally and maliciously. There’s more to the story. Maybe she doesn’t like the attention and time the brother is giving his sister. Basically a massive PITA who’s gonna make his life miserable.” said u/d1rkgent1y.
“Or she likes that it’s contaminated so she gets to have the rest. Certainly it’s deliberate. If OP isn’t ready to give her the heave-ho yet, he needs a lockbox for these items.” said u/calling_water.

“Man, I even offered to bring her slices of cake home. Because when I go to drop off the custard to my sister, she usually offers to give me a slice of cake or a pastry as a thank you for helping out. But my girlfriend refused that too.” said OP.

“I don’t know even the little kids I know would be fine with using a spoon if it meant they could keep trying the stuff” said u/IntelligentMeal40.

“And then trying to gaslight him by saying he’s fat shaming her? I hate fat shaming, but that’s absolutely NOT what he was doing. She’s an awful person.” said u/SickSadWorld1005.

“Oh God, I feel so guilty for laughing at this.” said OP.

“I am pretty sure she would put her finger into the bigger part of it and claim 'it just doesn't feel the same otherwise.'” said u/Dornenkraehe.
Read the full thread here.