
Karen Demands Cashier Apply Senior Discount, Stunned When Manager Removes 40% Coupon in Order to Comply


“Give her what she wants” Posted by u/Neat_Warthog2633

The comment section

"You insisted on your senior discount and the customer is always right now good day." said u/ReactsWithWords.

“You lose! Good day ma’am!” said u/Von_Moistus.

“You get nothing.” said u/LibraryMouse4321.

“Think this is a reason for coupons having a cash value of 5c. So that if someone bitches hard enough you can go ‘ok, I’ll honor it as cash value’ hand them a dime or something and then trespass them if they aren’t heading for the door.” said u/631-AT.

“When I was a kid coupons had a value of .01 cents, that is it would take 100 to be worth a penny. Not valueless but darn near.” said u/UncleNorman.

“Nah a good manager would have told the lady that the trick is to stack 3 40% off coupons. That way you get everything for free plus the store even gives you 20% of the cash value back!! /s” said u/DystopianAutomata.

“*you're...what do you mean grammar pedants get +20%?!” said u/Intentional-Blank.

“She is part of the reason why we have owners manuals with more warnings than operation instructions.” said u/SourcePrevious3095.

“After using coupons for about 50 years, yeah she knows how it works.” said u/fist4j.

Read the full thread here.


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