Management seems to have a different set of rules for themselves, on the one hand, they are allowed to do whatever they want, even if it goes against company guidelines, yet employees caught behaving, in the same manner, will be immediately given the boot. In this case, OP was working part-time as an IT manager for a small company, as OP was still in University finishing their degree. OP described the management team as extremely incompetent, as they would browse the internet for personal shopping purposes, and not really lift much of a finger.
Yet one day when an employee was caught 'browsing' the internet, one of the CEOs came to OP and told them that they needed to disable the internet for all employees, as this behavior was absolutely unacceptable. OP checked the logs, it turned out that the rep 'caught browsing the internet' was actually just looking up something that had to do with a product the company was selling.
In other words, this rep was just doing their job and a good one at that. Cue malicious compliance… OP decided that they would indeed disable the internet for the reps, as asked. But not just for them… for everyone, including the management team. Scroll down to read what happened next. For more, here is a manager who approved way too much overtime for delighted employees, and then got chewed out by corporate.
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