As young people, we give baby boomers a lot of slack, but we're far from the first to do so. People have resented baby boomers for decades for all sorts of reasons. They were the entitled children of the post-war era, reaping all the benefits of the economic boom of the 50s without having to live through the Great Depression or World War II. They were the yuppies of the 80s, selling out their free love ideals of the 60s to become lifelong Reaganites. They benefited from the most lucrative social programs of the 20th century just to vote to get rid of them for the next generations. Historically, there's a lot to resent about boomers.
These days, the gripe with boomers is that they're old fogies. They complain about young people in the same way people born in the late 1800s complained about them. They're far more entitled than any millennial I've ever met. However, not all boomer opinions are complete hogwash. After all, a stopped clock is right twice a day. Millennials took to Twitter to share the boomer opinions they agree with most, and I can't help but agree with a lot of these.