I cannot deal with the Redditification of being rude to parents for no good reason. If you're one of those people who is just rude to everybody, I don't like it, but I respect your consistency. However, if you're just bursting at the seams when a parent asked you to switch spots with you on an airplane so they can sit with their kids, and you can't wait to reject them, you're at best lame, and at worst not a very good person. Yes, it is true on some level that society values parents above non-parents. It's normal to feel a bit of resentment when you see parents in your office getting more flexibility with their time off than you do. However, that is no reason to be unnecessarily uncompassionate toward parents. They have very difficult jobs, and despite what Reddit tells you, the world does not accommodate them at every turn. If you are a parent and want to see some positive and funny parenting content, these parenting tweets are a hoot and a holler.