While this might sound like it's leading into a discussion about what a scam it is to be stuck renting accommodation (thanks to rising prices and interest rates that lock would-be buyers out of buying their first home), that's a topic for another day. But paying off someone else's asset for them, in perpetuity, just because you need a place to live, really is not ideal.
No, the point here is that when you buy something, you're expected to keep it, not use it, and attempt to return it the next day. But, when you work retail, you see way too many people trying to use retailers as their own personal rental services. This is a headache for retail associates who are forced to follow company policy that is set by managers who don't want to deny customers anything, yet also don't want to be stuck with unsellable "black stock" from fraudulent returns. Usually, things will be returned with no questions asked and put back on the shelf for someone else to purchase. This is the reason why you really should wash your new clothing before wearing it for the first time.
A certain three-letter outdoor co-op that has extremely flexible returns policies comes to mind here. While flexible returns are great when you need it, people take advantage of this, and the last two times I've purchased (supposedly) new equipment from them, I've received items that were obviously returned after being used, with a sleeping mat I purchased recently even having a dirty used electric razer shoved in the box with it… No thanks.
This Karen thought herself clever when she went to return her kid's costume the day after Halloween—a day and five years after she first purchased it just because her youngest child refused to wear it—the audacity.
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