Office Christmas parties–you either love 'em or you hate 'em. Some are awesome, some… not so much. Last year, my partner's company nailed it – they provided a hotel, a fancy dinner, an open bar, and festive decorations. Lots of holiday cheer was buzzing through the night. A+. Then there's one I went to years ago at an old job – boring conference room, midweek evening, no festiveness whatsoever, and more importantly, no fun. I guess it's the luck of the draw, right? But have you ever heard of a company making you pay to join the party? A lot of places might ask to bring a dish to share, but making you pay actual cash? It is like a cover fee at an overcrowded bar, but make it corporate.
Well, that's what happened to the OP. And to top it off, he didn't even get to go. He got fired one hour before the party. Talk about a holiday bummer.
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