The holiday season is hardly the time to prank poor unsuspecting souls in the middle of the night, but that is exactly how these youngsters decided to spend theirs. Also, they enjoyed bothering their neighbors with loud music, but let's start at the beginning.
One hotel guest who we'll call OP, was staying at the 'Milton' for most of the festive season. He was tired and was not in the mood to party. But there were lots of parties going around, which makes sense, because we're halfway into December, and Christmas is right around the corner… But again, he wasn't in the mood. So instead, he decided to tuck himself in early, as he also had to go to work in the morning. He was sleeping when he suddenly heard a loud banging… At first, he thought it was coming from his room, but after he got up, he quickly realized he just had the awful luck of being neighbors with a couple of teenagers.
Unsurprisingly, he didn't appreciate being woken up in the middle of the night, and he hatched a plan to get even with them. To say he succeeded would be to understate the outcome. Next, check out this inconsiderate husband who got his wife a vacuum cleaner so she could clean his garage. What a keeper, huh.
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