20 Poorly-designed items that are almost impossible to clean

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    13h My backsplash is coming along nicely →
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    Pretty and sharp, I'm sure

    Amethyst sink

    Imagine dropping a bar of soap in here… you'd have to spend all day cleaning it out. 

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    Forget about hard to clean, this seems impossible to drink out of

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    No matter what angle you sip from, surely some coffee would spill out the other crevices. 

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    Not only is it a tripping hazard, but that floor will be gritty from now on

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    This is where the dust bunnies live

    House owning ppl.. is this bro? & how do you get there? Y'all put a table there? A plant? What?
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    That's one way to ensure you don't sit for too long

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    Please say this isn't at a restaurant where the same glass gets used over and over again by strangers

    Pitcher with a hollow handle that's impossible to clean
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    That's so foul

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    Only the bravest window cleaners would tackle this job

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    What a terrifying place to live in! 

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    This person reports that the light fixture is "Impossible to clean and ugly"

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    Folks, this here is a "beach basement"

    Coleman SALUSPA
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    Some bright white stairs that'll be a giant pain to clean (and to climb)

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    We all know this simply won't be cleaned, ever

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    This shell fireplace will have you dusting for hours

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    It's a cute idea, but it somehow ended up looking creepy.

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    Tumbleweed? Nope, just a wacky light fixture

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