Sometimes people can have a Karen moment, but that doesn't mean they are certified Karens. Sometimes they can redeem themselves.
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People get cranky, we all know and have experienced that. It's how you handle your crankiness that defines you to a stranger. For example, if you're totally immature and yelling at some employee for something out of their control, then that makes you a Karen. But, if you do that and then eventually realize you are wrong and apologize, then that just makes you a person who had a cranky moment.
That is what this one lucky hotel employee got to experience. He was working the night shift when there was a reservation issue. It go figured out, but the husband of the guest called and started throwing a Karen-level tantrum. He called several times yelling and demanding to speak with the manager. However, to a huge surprise to the employee, his last phone call was to apologize. He took full accountability and they actually were able to figure everything out in a calm and respectful manner after that. Isn't that wild? Read the entire situation below.
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