Welcome back ladies, gentlemen, and artists of the world. Life isn't a straight path for anyone; for some people it's a roller coaster of events, emotions, and lovers. Others might have less drastic ups and downs, but they have ups and downs regardless. It's not just present day either; life is inherently arduous, unexpected, and seasonal. And what do we do to combat and deal with these waves and fluctuations? We make and consume art.
Art is the window to the soul, and everything that the soul experiences. And classical art is the origin of us all, the beginning of our problems in life and love being immortalized on canvases. Even in 1786, people were having relationship issues. Though they weren't wondering, 'why isn't he texting me back?' They were wondering, 'why doesn't he come to my front door and ask for my hand in marriage?' So instead of griping about guys you never dated, scroll through hilarious classical art memes.
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