There an old, wise, and popular saying, "Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to." It is sound advice for the most part. It also probably originates from judicial trials, where an attorney is generally advised not to ask something to which she doesn't already know the answer. A surprising response might end up unexpectedly swaying the jury against her, undermining her case. In relationships, this phrase refers to a peace-keeping strategy and is usually equivalent to advising someone not to ask leading questions whose answer may be end up being a cause for a fight. Perhaps equally as important, on the other end, is to learn to keep certain information to yourself. Not every thought and opinion has to be voiced, especially if it will hurt your partner.
In our story today, our protagonist asks a question she did not realize that she did not want to know the answer to. Her boyfriend answers honestly (read: disrespectfully, callously), leading to an insecurity that only festers and grows as the story progresses. Read below to find out how this fiasco ends.
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