Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. Cheating is never a fun topic; it's heartbreaking to find out, messy to deal with, and it's a strong trauma that can destroy a lot of people. For married couples, this could be even worse. You've built a whole life, you've been together for years, maybe decades, you have children. And then suddenly a shock bomb is dropped on you and you feel like your life is flashing before you, drowning in past memories and betrayal nearly clogging your throat. This brings us to the Reddit story.
So the title may sound far fetched, because how would the woman not know about her child not being hers? But the child was born from a surrogate, so already things can get confusing. It was between her husband and her good friend, and she never saw the red flags until it was all revealed to her. Even if it was a surrogate, cheating is cheating, and no one deserves that.
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