Certain pockets of the world are weirdly obsessed with etiquette. I recently stumbled across a video where a woman was teaching how to let "the bag serve you" or "the water bottle serve you" rather than "serving the water bottle." It was all about not paying too much attention to your purse or your water, maintaining eye contact with the person you're talking to, and generally being a classy lady.
Once you get down the etiquette rabbit hole, it's impossible to stop. What's the right way to use a spoon? What's the right way to excuse yourself to the restroom? What's the right way to ask to pass the salt? Should you ask for more salt or is that tacky? It snowballs from there. The answer is, that all of these so-called "rules" are classist, arbitrary, and made up in order to make people feel bad. So I say to heck with them. But that's not what one woman's friend thought, and it ended poorly. Read on for the story.