‘I'm literally not anyone's enemy because I had a baby’: Woman comes back from maternity leave to a sour boomer co-worker harassing her about taking the time off, HR gets involved

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    Harassed for taking maternity leave by a boomer coworker
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    I get along well with everybody at work and treat my colleagues with respect. However, last night, I was just minding my own business at my desk and one of my colleagues started asking me about what type of benefits I was able to take while out on maternity leave. I just came back from having a baby in February. I took the
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    maximum benefits that my state allows. I live in New Jersey, so we have pretty good benefits. I took 6 weeks for the birth of my child + 12 weeks on bonding. This woman always asks me what benefits I received and if I got paid for it. I answer her that it was state
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    disability that paid me and then she proceeded to tell me that she shouldn't have to pay for me to "sit at home and do nothing" while she works because she's 64 years old and she wasn't able to get those same benefits when she had children 20 years ago. I told her that is unfortunate, but times are different now and new laws have been implemented for new parents.
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    She then started getting political with me telling me how the government shouldn't pay for people to sit at home blah blah blah, and I kept on walking away and coming back and not talking to her and then she was
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    opening up the conversation again and again. I was getting really I off. I told her that I didn't sit at home and do nothing while I was caring for my newborn child. I'm literally not her or anyone's enemy because I had a baby.
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    This woman works part time at my job (I'm full-time) and her husband makes a lot of money. She always brags about the things that they have and how much money she gives her two grown children. I was so disgusted with the way she was talking to me yesterday that I ultimately walked away and
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    went to another desk somewhere else in the room until her shift was over. I'm contemplating going to HR about this because she has picked on me during my actual pregnancy for being able to take leave. I really don't like
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    being targeted for that reason. On the other hand, I don't want to cause more drama, but I really feel disrespected. It's been less than 24 hours since this incident so I'm waiting to cool off. What do you guys think?
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    Update: Just met with my director and supervisor and they immediately gave me the HR direct contact. They took notes and said they will be speaking with her. My director started the meeting with a fact like then ended with her face like
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    No-Entertainer-1358. 22 hr. ago Make a harassment complaint. Make a list of each incident. Be as clear and concise as you can. There will not be a paper trail so your memory must be convincing
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    Pharmgrl7777 OP. 22 hr. ago I did have witnesses
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    content_great_gramma 21 hr. ago Point out that she is creating a hostile work environment. No one who goes on any type of leave does not deserve this kind of treatment.
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    OMVince 18 hr. ago • Pregnancy is covered as protected class in New Jersey - this is absolutely harassment and so inappropriate. Also, YOU and your employer pay into state disability for your coverage just like everybody else. How does she figure she's covering your benefit? She's just as likely to use up her own contribution some way or another.
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    Bawonga 22 hr. ago • Questions for your coworker: "Would you deny these benefits to your daughter or granddaughter just because YOU didn't have them when you gave birth 20 years ago?"
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    "Are you saying you disagree with child development specialists who advocate longer bonding periods between parent and child?" "Do you support progress in human rights and employment benefits?" "Are you really the that you seem to be?"
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    • Pharmgrl7777 OP 22 hr. ago I love this! I did mention to her since she does have a daughter that wouldn't she want the same thing for her? But she seems to believe that because she has so much money that her daughter wouldn't have to take those benefits because she could just support her while she's on leave. I told her that she'll be supporting her grandchildren as well well then.
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    Range-Shoddy · 22 hr. ago If she has so much money why is she working?
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    Pharmgrl7777 OP .22 hr. ago Great question!!!!!!!!!! I think she needs the job for health insurance for her and her husband, as her husband is self- employed.
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    Relative_Squash5539 · 20 hr. ago Perfect. Tell her you don't like how old people mooch off young healthy people with insurance. It drives up your cost.
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    Sitcom_kid 18 hr. ago Will she quit next year when she can have medicare? How dare she have medicare? Are you paying for her medicare? Oh my god! We are working hard to pay for her Medicare while she sits at home and goes to the doctor and hospital and orders prescriptions and stuff! On our dime! It's a travesty!
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    Genericusername368 21 hr. ago I had a similar experience with a childless co worker. It has been years but she came at me because I took 12 weeks and in her mind maternity leave should only be 6. I complained to HR and she was reprimanded.
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    daywalkerredhead 19 hr. ago • Don't let a toxic jealous person like that get away with her behavior. Go to HR, even if they do nothing, it's on record. In the meantime, if she keeps it up, professionally and politely tell her she should focus on her job more than what she THINKS others are going while off the clock or how they use their benefits.
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    R de_Parsnip306 - 12 hr. ago What a terrible woman! I took every minute of time that I could when I had my kids. I'm happy parents of today get these options. Congratulations on your baby, and definitely go to HR. If not for you, then for the next potential victim of this idiot.


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