Summertime is the perfect time for watching Star Wars. The sweltering heat outside gives us an excuse to hole up where the air conditioner is good and give our favorite movies a spin. Get the fan running and let Boba Fett do what he does best… entertain.
Why do we find such comfort in rewatching our favorite movies? We already know what happens, we know the plot, and we've memorized so much of the dialogue, so why do we still care? I think it's because watching something we've already seen gives our brains a break. We don't need to be sympathetically stressed on the protagonist's behalf, we already know that they're going to be okay. We just want to watch it unfold beautifully, and be safe inside its arms. No wonder we watch A New Hope every time we have a head cold or every time we have a lazy Sunday. It just helps. So do memes.