Getting a dog is a big decision, but it can also be the best decision you'll ever make in your life. You don't want to rush into it, you need to make sure you have the time, money, and space to let a dog run around. You also need to be at least a little bit stable, lifestyle-wise, so you can be around to walk them, feed them, and pay attention to them as much as you need to. It's a bit like having children in that way. They'll even you out into a more even-keeled, domestic type of life.
Or your dog can be your road buddy and simply accompany you everywhere you go. Actually, now that I say it, that could be the ideal way to live. A sprinter van, a trusty hound, and nothing but road ahead of you. But no matter how you structure your life with your pup, these memes will hit you right in the feels.