Most text messages aren't that memorable. Texting was invented so that we could send short, easily readable messages that are too unimportant for phone calls. The fact that we're able to send full blown orations to our contacts with the potential to ruin friendships and relationships marks that texts have transcended their original purpose. When I was a kid, you paid for a specific number of minutes and texts per month, and if you went over that, you had to pay more. Maybe we should return to a time when you couldn't carefully craft your arguments with text, and instead had to scream them over the phone with some level of improvisation, or just message "TTYL."
Even if you or I aren't having interesting conflicts over text, that doesn't mean that some strangers on the internet aren't. These texts are between parents and their children, and I'm willing to bet most of them are more interesting than any texts you received this weekend.